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Dustin's P.O.V.

~next morning~

I jolted awake as I saw Alexis' pictures in my nightmare. I felt Alexis in the bed next to me, sleeping soundlessly. He's adorable, I thought, kissing his cheek, then sliding out of bed. I was still wearing my skinny jeans and purple shirt. I put my shoes on and climbed out his window, onto the roof. I sat there looking at the stars overhead until I heard they're front door open and saw someone walk out. Long, blonde hair blew to the side from the wind and I knew it was Angelica. Why was she up at 3 in the morning? I thought, getting up and climbing down the ladder at the side of the house.
"Angelica, what are you doing up?" I asked, scaring her in the process. "I could ask you the same thing, Dustin." She retorted. "I asked you first." "You're more important." She said, clasping her hand over her mouth. "Angel no, you're way more important. Please tell me why you're up." I begged, stepping closer. "You know I'm adopted, right? I only feel safe and at home around Alexis- he's the only one who cares about and helps me. He's amazing but he can't see it." She explained, not answering my question. "Yeah, he really is. But, you didn't answer my question." I stated, walking with her, wherever we were going. "There's a woods on the outskirts of this neighborhood. I go there when Alexis is sleeping or something like that. We go there every chance we get- to get away from all the troubles of this shitty town." She explained.
"Can I have a nickname for you? It's difficult to say Angelica every time I'm talking to you." I asked, starting to think of nicknames. "Yeah, sure. Just as long as it isn't Hun. That's Alexis' name for me." She answered. "Maybe Angel. I called you that earlier. Is that okay?" I suggested. "Yeah, that's okay. Even though I'm a demon." She laughed. It was soft and short like Alexis'. We walked quietly for about 5 more minutes before we reached the woods, and I thought of a question to break the silence.
"Got a crush?" She went bright red and looked down. "Yeah- but she's popular... she'd never like me anyway..." she trailed off, her smile fading. "Hey, who is it?" I asked, tilting her chin up. "Melanie Martinez... she's so hot and- idk... it's just a fantasy." She said, walking deeper into the woods. "You know she's lesbian, right?" I said, making her stop in her tracks and spin around. "Really?"

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