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Dustin's P.O.V.

When I lifted my head off of my steering wheel, I looked up and saw Angelica walking out of their garage. She had her earbuds in, looking at me worriedly. She opened the passenger door and got in, closing the door after. "What's wrong, Dustin?" She asked politely. "He was terrified..." I trailed off, letting a few more tears fall. "Dustin, don't cry. I really didn't want to be the one to tell you but- he likes you. That's what we were talking about before you got to science. He thinks you're hot and he thinks you're nice. Which you are." She compliments, wiping the tears off my face. "Then why did he look scared?" I asked, worrying again. "His parents used to abuse him and he tenses up at anyone's touch. If he did look scared he probably has a reason." She explained.
"Fuck. Okay, thanks Angelica." I exclaimed, turning the car on. "Do you want to talk to Alexis? He's inside watching TV." She suggested. I immediately got out of the car and walked around to open her door and followed her inside. "What was in the mail, Hun?" Alexis yelled from the other room. "A package for you!" She yelled back, now remembering the mail. I heard light footsteps walking into the room. "My dresses are h- oh, hi D-Dust..." he stuttered and went red. Angelica walked outside, leaving the two of us, alone. "Okay, let's get this out of the way. I like you Alexis. I really do. You're beautiful and yo-" he cut me off by slamming his lips against mine, almost jumping on me. I slid my tongue into his mouth, getting a small moan from him, then sliding my hands under his shirt. Right after I did that, I knew I messed up. He pulled away, taking a few steps back. "I-I'm sorry- I s-shouldn't have k-kissed you..." he stuttered, running up the stairs. Just then, Angelica came through the door. "Where's my Puddin? What happened?" She asked, sounding like Harley Quinn.
"I told him I liked him, he kissed me, then he apologized and ran upstairs." I explained, looking at the package in her hand. "Shit. Hold this." She said quickly, handing me the package, then running upstairs. I looked at the package detail list and saw that he actually got a dress, then saw the picture for it. "He'd look so good in this." I said to myself, imagining him wearing it. She looked so worried, I thought, walking up the stairs. I saw the two hugging, tears flowing from Alexis' eyes. I hurt him again. I took a step backwards, not finding floor, just empty space. I tumbled down the stairs and reached the bottom with less pain than expected. I stood up immediately and ran out the door to my car, getting in and pulling away.

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