Planetary (Go!)

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Dustin's P.O.V.

I pulled into my driveway and parked, got out of the car and ran through the front door. "How was your day, honey?" My mom asked from our large living room. "It was okay. I'm going to do homework." I said, rushing up our tall staircase. I opened the door to my room, took off my shoes, closed the door, and jumped on my bed, falling asleep almost immediately.

~next morning~

I looked over at my clock, showing it was 5:26am, telling me I woke up really early. I got out of bed anyway and stripped of my clothes, getting into the shower, which was connected to my room. I turned on the shower, and while waiting for it to get warm, I turned on a playlist called 'Shower' on iTunes. Now Or Never by Halsey started playing and I got into the shower, silently singing along. Yes, I love singing. I was in a talent show in 8th grade but everyone made fun of me for singing a My Chemical Romance song. Planetary (Go!) to be specific. I remember this one cute kid coming up to me after I was done and saying I was really good and that he loved MCR. Then when I asked his name some girl pulled him to class.
I KNEW I RECOGNIZED HIM, I thought, remembering Alexis, but with much shorter hair. I quickly finished cleaning myself, then got out of the shower, grabbing skinny jeans, and a dark purple t-shirt, then put on my shoes, running downstairs, out to my car, driving to Alexis' house. I got there in 15 minutes, ran up to the front door and knocked about 7 times. "Can I help you?" Said a woman I guessed was Alexis' mom. The sudden thought of her abusing him popped into my mind and I saw her as a monster. I also remembered Angelica saying she didn't anymore so I pushed the vision to the back of my mind.
"I was just looking for Alexis. I had to ask him something." I responded. "What time is it?" She asked groggily. "6:03" I responded, pulling out my phone. "He's on the roof. On the side of the house, there's a ladder. He always goes up there at this time." She mumbled something at the end but I didn't hear it. She then turned around, shutting the door in my face. Rude. I walked around to the side of the house, opened the ladder, and climbed onto the roof, seeing Alexis laying down with earbuds in. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a dark blue shirt that, when laying down, hugged his body showing his ribs were sticking out.
"Hey, cutie." I said, making him jump. "Dustin- w-what are you doing... I-It's Saturday morning at 6!" He whisper-yelled. "I had to ask you something... in 8th grade- did you see someone performing Planetary by MCR in a talent show? Then told them they were good afterwards?" I asked, getting closer then laying down next to him. "No. I saw you perform. I said you were a good singer, and I only did that because it seemed like the perfect time to talk to my crush..."

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