Told Ya So

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Dustin's P.O.V.

Dustin : Hey, Alexis. How are you?

Alexis : Hey, I'm still a little shaky but I'm okay. How are you?

Dustin : Good.

Dustin : You said you'd explain your name?

Alexis : Oh, right.

Alexis : So, my parents thought I was supposed to be a girl so they picked out Alexis and when I was born I was a boy (obviously) and they never changed the name.

Alexis : It's stupid- I know...

Dustin : No, I love it. It's unique.

Alexis : Really..?

Dustin : Yeah. I mean, have you ever heard of a famous Dustin?

Alexis : Dustin Pedroia?

Dustin : Who?

Alexis : 2nd baseman for the Boston Red Sox

Dustin : I don't sports

Alexis : I just watch. Too lazy to play, and I play piano so... not to brag or anything

Dustin : You'll have to show me sometime.

Alexis : Yup

Alexis : Okay, well I'm pretty tired so I'm going to sleep... I'll see you tomorrow?

Dustin : Oh, yeah. Sorry for keeping you up. Goodnight

Alexis : Night Dust

Dustin : Dust?

Alexis : I'm calling you Dust from now on. Don't ask

Dustin : Okay

I turn off my phone, seeing as it's 1am and curl up under the covers. I slowly drift off to sleep, thinking about why Alexis' parents wouldn't change his name.

~the next day (lunch)~

I stared at him from across the lunch room, as I've been doing for the past half hour. No I wasn't stalking him. No I'm not crushing on him. Okay maybe a little- but I'm mainly making sure he's out of danger. I can't have him hurt. He's laughing with his friend though, so that's good. She has long, blonde hair that goes halfway down her back and she has glasses similar to Alexis'. He was significantly shorter than her, her probably around 6 feet, maybe 6'2, and he was around 5'9.
I noticed how his friend kept glancing around him, looking at the popular girls' table. I looked over and saw some pretty girls, but none of them were even close to the beauty of Alexis. Maybe in someone else's opinion, they were hotter but in my mind, he's hotter. Right when I finally found the courage to talk to him, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunch.
I left the cafeteria and walked to my next class, which was shared with Alexis. When I walked into the class, I didn't see Mr. Banker, I saw a guest teacher. Shit, then she'll do role call I thought to myself, worried how the class will react about Alexis' name. I sat next to Jake, hesitantly after glancing at Alexis, who was already freaking out.
The bell rang, notifying everyone of the start of class and everyone who wasn't already sitting, sat down in a seat. "Okay, role call. Dustin Bates?" My head shot up and I said "Here." quickly before going back to my writing. Lyric writing. Yeah I'm a singer. A few more people were called before they got to Alexis. "Alexis Johnson? Is she here?" The teacher asked and the whole class laughed. Except for me.
"H-Here..." he stuttered and the whole class went into whispers. "Oh- you're a boy... I'm so sorry." The guest said quickly. "Hey, Alexis, are you sure you're not a girl? I mean you sure act like one." Jake yelled, looking him right in the eye, making Alexis break down, sobbing. "Can I move seats?" I asked, needing to help Alexis. "Sure. Sit wherever you want." The guest says, starting the attendance again. "Dustin, if you go, you're out." Jake grunted, grabbing my arm. "Then you'll have to find someone to replace me." I retorted, yanking my arm away, and sitting next to Alexis.

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