Fix My Heart

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Dustin's P.O.V.

"I'm sorry... I-I'll go..." Alexis said before crawling up the roof to his window. "No, Alexis, it's okay." I assured, reaching for him. "Are y-you sure?" He asked, slowly crawling back. "Yes I'm sure. Can I ask you something?" I asked him, blushing when his shirt lifted a little. "Anything Dust." He said, pulling his shirt down. "Will you be my boyfriend? You're just so attractive and I-"
"Yes, I'll be your boyfriend!" He yelled, excited as hell. He leaned over and kissed me, no sadness on his face, as he was full of excitement. I closed my eyes, wrapped my arms around his small frame, and deepened the kiss. We kissed for about 15 minutes before we separated, and watched the sunrise from his roof. He was laying down on my chest, breathing in sync with mine. Well, up until I started to tickle him. He laughed and I instantly fell in love with it. It was adorable.
"Dustin? You okay?" He asked, pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yeah, I'm okay. 20 questions?" I suggested, realizing I didn't know much about him yet. He agreed and we played that for an hour. "Dustin? What are you doing here?" We heard Angelica say from behind us. "Sitting with my boyfriend. What are you doing here?" I retorted. She ignored my question and fangirled like crazy. Alexis just blushed, turned around, and leaned his head on my shoulder. We heard Angelica awe behind us and take a picture of us. Alexis jumped and turned around to glare at Angelica. She turned around and ran downstairs, Alexis went to chase after her but I pulled him back.
"C'mon. It's just a picture." I said, kissing his cheek. "I don't like pictures and she's evil." He joked, laughing a little. "Well, would you rather have a picture of us kissing, or you leaning your head on my shoulder?" I asked, leaning down until our lips were almost touching. "Me leaning... my head... on your shoulder..." he said slowly, his eyes glancing back and forth from my lips to my eyes. "Kiss me, Dustin." He said, staying still. I did as told and kissed him. On the forehead. I crawled over to the side of the house where the ladder was and climbed down, leaving Alexis stunned. He eventually turned around and went up to his room. I knocked on the door and Angelica answered, letting me into their house. I started walking toward the stairs but was stopped by Angelica.
"If you EVER hurt him, you will burn, on a stake, in the middle of town, in front of your whole family. Got it?" She said, a fiery look in her eyes. "I understand, and why hurt him? He's beautiful. Don't wanna mess that up." I answered, going up the stairs. When I found Alexis in his room, he was on the floor, his face in his hands, and his tear puddles all over his grey, hardwood floor.

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