Rising Upside Down

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Dustin's P.O.V.

"Alexis, breathe. I'm here, okay?" I said, sitting down next to him. He immediately hugged me, crying into my shoulder. He started calming down after a couple minutes, eventually pulling away. "I-I'm sorry... I didn't- sorry..." he stuttered, leaning into the corner now. "No, Alexis, it's okay. I w-" "Am I interrupting, boys?" The guest teacher asked. I responded with a quick 'No' and she goes back to teaching. The rest the period goes smoothly, as no one talks about Alexis. My next class is science, which I share with Alexis. Before I can even stand up, he's out the door and lost in the crowd.
I just walk to science, hoping he's there. He is, talking to his friend, blushing when he sees me enter the room. I sit across from him, diagonal from his friend. "Do you know him, Puddin?" the girl asked, looking at me. "Yeah... he's cool." Alexis said, looking at me as well. "Oh, okay then. I'm Angelica. His adoptive sister." She said, holding out her hand. I shook her hand, and looked at her. Now closer, I found that she has blue eyes. I then stared into Alexis' eyes, his beautiful dark brown eyes.

~3 hours later~

"Hey, it's raining pretty hard out there. Do you want me to drive you guys home?" I asked Alexis and Angelica, knowing they usually walk home. "Yeah, thanks Dust!" Alexis exclaimed, hugging me. I turned bright red and stiffened up. He then pulled away from me. "I'm s-sorry..." he apologized, and started walking to the car, eventually getting in the front seat. "It's okay Dustin. He apologizes for everything." Angelica explained. She got in the back seat behind Alexis and I got in the drivers seat. I asked for directions and Angelica told me where their house was. Once I pulled into the driveway, they both gathered their things.
"Bye, Dustin! Thanks for the ride!" Angelica said, getting out of the car and going into their house, leaving Alexis and I alone. "Y-Yeah- thanks D-Dust..." he stuttered, getting out of the car. I grabbed his arm pulling him back and he turned to me with fear in his eyes. "I'm sorry- I'll see you tomorrow... Bye, Alexis" I said, letting go of him. He immediately started speed-walking toward the door and disappeared without a word. I messed up again. I shouldn't have grabbed his arm, I thought, leaning my head against the steering wheel, letting a few tears roll down my face. I hurt him.

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