Bath Salts

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Dustin's P.O.V.

"Hey, Alexis, don't cry. What's wrong?" I asked, rushing to his side. He immediately hugged me as I kneeled down beside him. "I'm here, I'm here Alexis." I reassured, rubbing his back. After about 5 minutes he started to calm down. He was softly singing something, but I don't think he knew I heard him.
"We're young and in love,
Heart attacks waiting to happen.
So come a little closer,
Tell me it's all in our heads..."
I didn't recognize the song, maybe Angelica would though. I'll ask her later. "Why were you crying?" I asked, kissing his forehead. He pointed at a pile of pictures, not saying anything, and continuing his song. I let go of him and told him to breathe, that he's okay, then I got up and picked up the pictures. Alexis sat on his bed behind me.
I looked at the pictures and started tearing up at what I saw. Alexis' small body, curled in the corner with cuts along his chest and stomach, a few on his neck, and bruises all over his body.
"Alexis- who would've done this to you..?" I asked, running over and hugging him tightly. "It d-doesn't m-matter anymore, okay? Please d-don't talk about it..." he stuttered, burying his face in my neck. "Okay, it's okay. I'm here. You're okay." I said, a few tears rolling down my face. "I-I love you, D-Dust." He stated. "I love you too, princess."

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