It Never Ends

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Dustin's P.O.V.

~8 months later~

"Dust, I'm fine. I don't need therapy." Alexis said, walking out of the room. "Babe, please. Your schizophrenia is getting worse and I've clearly noticed it. Please just one session and if it goes well you won't have another one." I persuaded. "NO DUSTIN! NO!" He screamed, slamming his door in my face. We live together now, after being together for 6 months we decided to move in together because school was finally over and we were both 18, so we could. Angelica now owns her own house, shared with her girlfriend of 6 months, Melanie.
Alexis and I have been drifting apart lately. I still love him with all of my heart but he's just been really depressed and anxious lately and he felt bad about it so he now sleeps in the guest room. He doesn't know this but, every time I try to sleep, I can't because he isn't there. I feel terrible for even letting him go to the guest room but I didn't want to hurt him. He spends most of his time in there. I only get to talk to him for about 3 minutes when he comes out to shower, to go to the bathroom, to get a drink, or to eat, which all don't happen often.
Angelica gets back from vacation soon, they both went to London, which has been her dream destination for forever, according to Alexis. She could help him more than me. I'm afraid he'll lash out on me if I walked into his room so I haven't yet. This has been going on for 2 weeks. I have to do this, I thought, grabbing the handle for the door. I pushed it open, revealing Alexis in his bed, texting someone with tears covering the sheets. He jumped when the door squeaked, falling off the bed and backing into the corner.
He was a mess. His hair was all over the place, his eyes red and puffy from crying, bags and bruises under his eyes from not sleeping. He looked ready to leave though. He must've changed into different clothes in the 4 minutes since I've seen him. Now he was wearing one of my sweatshirts which made him look small, and black, severely ripped skinny jeans, and a black choker, which Angelica got for him for Christmas.
"I won't put you in therapy, okay? Just please come out and eat. You're way too fucking skinny..." I said, holding my arms out for him. He hesitantly got up and hugged me, and I felt his ribs. "I'm so s-sorry, Dust... I k-keep pushing y-you away..." he stuttered, letting go of me and walking out the door. "Babe, it's okay, really." I said, following him to the kitchen. There was a knock on the door and Alexis went to answer it, saying he knew it was Angel, so I let him. I started preparing Alexis' food while he went to the door. I heard a loud screech, glad Angel was finally home.

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