•••the agreement•••

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"Okay then my cute genin" Kakashi broke the awkward silence in the room. "We meet at the gate in 2 hours, don't be late, and be sure to pack enough for the long lasting trip."

"HAI sense!" The three spoke simultaneously, before leaving as fast as possible to pack their things,  and freshen up before the mission.

*time skip brought to you by Kurama's Fabulous Fur*

All members of the mission including the clients were currently standing outside the gates of Konaha.

"OK then team let's set out. Because our clients are not sufficient in the area of tree running and stamina control, we will be taking to the ground for the entire mission." -Kakashi 

"But Sensei, won't that make it more dangerous? I mean what if we get attacked by bandits?"-Sakura

"Hn. We are Ninja now, we can easily protect ourselves from petty bandits."

"Wow Sasuke-kun, you are so smart!" -Sakura

"But Sakura-Chan, that bastard didn't even say anything all that clever."-Naruto

"Shut up Naruto-Baka I bet you're just jelous, because you will never beat my Sasuke-kun in anything. you are just so useless."

'You're one to talk you bubblegum-bitch'

"Yeah literally the only thing she could probably do is make the enemy go deaf"

Naruto was suddenly brought out of his thoughts by a rough tap on his shoulder from behind.

Naruto POV

I turned around to see zayuma-san had been the one to aproach me. But with my team around they can't do anything, so I opted to ignore him.i carried on walking until. A hand grasped my shoulder firmly, undoubtedly Zayuma-san again.

"You would do best not to ignore us brat or we will be in for one hell of a good time when we get back to Konaha- if you know what I mean." Zayuma whispered spitting the words as though just talking to me was an insult to his being.

My heart stopped for a moment, my face paled and my movement ceased. But I had to keep up my mask. I put on the biggest smile I could muster and turned around to face the vile pair of villagers.

"Hai." I answered stoic. (I don't know if I used that word right or not but oh well.)

"That's better. And from now on you will call me and my wife "-sama" is that clear demon, however not when your teammates are looking or could possibly hear us."

"Yes Zayuma-Sama" I whispered back.

"OK. Now that that's cleared up, tonight you will voulenteer to take first watch, and meet us at 10pm by our tent. Understood?"

"Yes Zayuma-Sama"

"Good, now carry on with what you where doing before with your disgusting smiles."

"Yes Zayuma-Sama"i waited a minute and strained my face to look very confused and then donn an understanding look.

"HAHAHA HAHA that's a good one Zayuma-San. I've never heard that one before. It took me a while to understand, but wow! For such an old looking man, you sure know some good jokes." I announced as obnoxious as I could, but on the inside I was positively Petrified. I had no clue what they were planing for tonight, but I knew it wasn't good.

"UGHHHH Naruto-Baka how rude can you be?! These clients have been nothing but nice to you since we met them, but you're still insistent on insulting them! They are clearly pretty young anyway, you don't even make sense idiot!"

'Yeah sure nice my ass. I swear these people are the real demons, Right Kurama?'

"Right kit, any way I'm sorry to say,  but I'm going to need to sleep for a bit to recharge so I can heal you tonight if needs be. It's the most I can do, I'm sorry kit, but unless you tell your team, there is nothing that I can do to help you."

'I know Kurama's,  and I understand. I'm just... scared'

"I know kit, I know. But we will get through this together okay?"

'Yeah..thanks Kurama'

"No problem kit"

And with that the big orange durable went to sleep, leaving me to my own thoughts.

What will happen tonight?

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