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SHOUT OUT TO @AngleOfWar for the epic Name suggestion Of Yuugen, which means: awareness of the universe triggering deep emotions

Gaara POV

I was quick on our Medics Heels, watching as Naruto lie still in his arms.

"Thank you" I stated simply

"What for?"

"For taking care of him. I don't know what I would do if he was gone."

"Think nothing of it. It's the least I could do for the poor boy. AH! I realise I've never told you my name, have I? We just usually talk." I realised he spoke the truth."My names Yuugen."
I processed the name, and a beautiful one it was at that.

"Thank you Yuugen." I looked behind me after noticing a lack of presence. "What happened to Kankuro and Temari?" I asked. More to myself, not really expecting an answer.

"I believe that whilst you were day dreaming, Temari-San went to pick up some more medical supplies from the Hospital, just in case. And Kankuro-San has gone to try and contact the Hokage about what has happened."he finished, before speeding up just a little faster. We could go more than twice this speed, but that could reopen some of Naruto's wounds.

It makes my furious how his own team mates showed less concern, than a medic that has never even met the boy before. As soon as I know that he is safe, and stable, I will be sending team 7 back to their village, however I will keep Naruto here. I may not be declared Kazekage yet, but due to my strengths, smarts and relation to the previous Kazekage, I currently hold all but the actual name; Meaning I can make decisions, such as keeping an injured Shinobi from another village sheltered for safety measures. Although its usually a rare occasion, I think this counts as one of them.

I was pulled from my thoughts as Yuugen stopped abruptly. I looked to his line of sight, only to realise we had already arrived.

I let Yuugen and Naruto in, watching as the medic headed straight for the stairs. "You can put him in my room." I rushed. I wanted him near me. And besides, due to my bad experiences with Shukaku, I only sleep rarely anyway.

As Naruto was placed on the bed, he started to writhe slightly, until it became more violent. "NO STOP IT! DONT HURT ME I HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING TO YOU."
The blonde suddenly burst out, screaming. Tears escaping his still closed eyes.

I knew what was happening, he was having a nightmare. Clearly a bad one.
His screaming became more frantick, scared. Panicking I did the only I could think of. I grasped his small hand between my two slightly bigger ones.
"Naruto, it's me Gaara. It's just a dream and you need to wake up. I have so much I want—no I need to ask you. Please."

"PLEASE STOP IT. THE POISON; IT HURTS SO MUCH.... Please.... Stop. It's not... It's not my fault, please, just... Give me a chance."
The shouting stop and suddenly the Ninja shot up, challenging the speed of Might Gai. His eyes wide and blood shot. His face covered in beads of sweat. The Untameable blonde locks, clinging to his head like a mop. Tears still brimming in the corner of his eyes.

It hurt me to see him like this. The one who brought me back to the light, who saved me...Shivering and scared.

The one who was always smiling, and Eventually taught me to do the same—it was a rare occasion but it happens sometimes.— On the verge of tears.

And most of all the one who showed me how to really be strong, looking so weak and fragile. All of it hurt so much.

I couldn't take it anymore, I neared the blonde, ignoring the jolting flinch. I softly put one arm around his waist and the other over his shoulder, on his golden locks. I pulled his head into the nook of my shoulder, surprised when he didn't fight back.

For about a minute there was silence. The boy Not responding at all, until all of a sudden a alight hiccuping filled the room. I felt small, skinny arms loops around my waist, and hands grasping at the red fabric on my back. My neck felt wet, I looked down to see Naruto shivering, and returning the embrace, whilst crying into my shoulder.

"Gaara?" I hear his weak voice croak out.

"Yes?"I reply instantly.

"I'm so sorry. I-I-I didn't want you to know, I didn't want you to get upset. I'm sorry, this is all my fault." The blonde ranted, then he said the words that broke my heart...

"I wish I was never even born, then the village would be happier. And the world would be rid of a monster.

"Stop. Don't talk like that, please. You are, and never were a monster. And if you weren't born, I don't think I would have allowed myself to live this long. There would be no reason to exist—you-the no.1 knuckle headed ninja- you gave me a purpose. You made me love my village, just like you love yours."I felt something warm on my face, I recognised them a tears. Strange- this feeling.

I haven't cried in years.

I pulled the small boy closer to me. I could feel his frame begin to shake more violently, at first I was worried something was happening to him, until his hiccuping becoming more eratic, along with his breathing.he was crying again, I hope he lets everything out.

His petit hands grasped more tightly at my clothing as he nuzzled his face deeper into my collar bone. I started to stroke his hair gently to soothe him.

"Your ok now, your safe" I whispered to him over and over again, like a mantra.

His cries became louder, until he eventually started wailing at the top of his lungs. Most of it muffled by my neck, but still adequately loud.

I kept repeating the mantra over and over, until his breathing started to even out.

After about 10 minutes, just slight sniffling could be heard. "Your safe now Naruto. We won't let anyone touch you here." I whispered

"Yeah... I'm safe"

Remember guys...

The poll ends on the 18th which is only 4 days away!

So far the votes are...

Gaanaru: 37

Sasunaru: 26

Shikanaru: 13

Naruhina: 3

Itanaru: 2

Nejinaru: 1

Nobody: 1

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