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Me, Kankuro and Temari made it to the gates a bit early. Although we haven't actually seen Naruto since the Chūnin exams, we see him as a part of our family. I have been through a lot as a jinchuriki, and I know that Naruto has too. I know that the villagers won't serve him, and that the only thing they let him buy- clothing wise is that horrid jacket, I guess, so that he will be killed faster. But the thing that worries me the most, is that I had to figure this all out myself. Whenever I asked him how it was in his village, he either tells me he love the village or ignores the question completely. Although I found out what I did, I feel there is something else; something big, missing.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when a hand took a firm grip on my shoulder."Hey Gaara. You OK?" It was Temari

"yes Temari I am fine" I replied
"Are you sure because you look deep in though, you seem to be worried"

I don't normally talk to people about how I feel and I don't think others expect me to either, which I'm guessing is why My sister was so taken aback by my next statement.

"I'm worried about Naruto. I know I haven't seen him since the exams, but I feel that something's wrong. With him being a jinchuriki, like me, I thought he would have suffered just as much, if not more. After all I am the son of the Kazekage, yet I still was treated harshly. But Naruto- he, well he doesn't have any connections like that. And with the looks people give him in that village, it's clear they hated him a lot more than people hated me. I'm guessing because of the nine tails attack on the village."


I didn't expect Gaara to reply to me seriously. But what he said really made me think.

"But there's no way it could be that bad, I mean he's always smiling, joking etc., even with that Sakura bitch around- God I can't stand her" i agree with Gaara but I'm sure it cant too bad, but i have a feeling in the pit of my stomach, that goes against that very opinion

"I Agree!" I jumped at the sudden involvement of my other brother, kankuro."seriously, that bitch does not know how to shut her damn mouth. Like seriously, hasn't she's never heard the expression 'think before you speak'! i pity poor Naru-Chan for having to put up with that, I bet its worse tha-"

"Naru-Chan?" me and Gaara replied simultaneously

"yeah Naru-Chan. i thought of it this morning. I though that maybe it would cheer him up when he gets here, he's probably never had a nickname- other than 'NARUTO-BAKA'" 

"Geeze, did you really have to shout it?! One bubblegum banshee is enough." I wasn't joking, although maybe those cat ears have too much influence on him, as he sounded more like a dying cat.

"kankuro that's enough. I feel Naruto-- *cue cute hesitation ( I love my Panda-Chan)* Naru-Chan's Chakra approaching"


I could feel Naruto's chakra approaching, as i had said, but something felt wrong. the power was weak. Even for a normal person, that amount of Chakra depletion could be fatal. as the thoughts raced around my head, the signature began to increase in speed. until Shukaku's heightened senses picked up a scream. or more specifically, Naruto, screaming my name (not in that way, I'm afraid Gaara :( 

a flash of yellow started to become visible beyond the horizon, and i instantly knew who it was. considering the little amount of Chakra i could feel being emitted from him, he was moving rapidly fast, i guess hes been training since we last saw him. As the distance was closed, i could immediately make out the desperation painted on his whiskered face. i started to make my way  towards him as well, and  could tell that my siblings where doing the same. We must have been about 10 seconds away from each other when his legs gave out on him. i threw my sand beneath him so he wouldn't be hurt upon impact to the ground. we dashed forward and grabbed his highly underweight  form. There's no way he can be this skinny with all the ramen he must eat... right?

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