[Song of the chapter - Can't Keep My Hands to Myself by Selena Gomez]"Sweetie, I don't think it's because I'm a 'smack magnet'," He says, making air quotation marks when he says smack magnet. "But instead because you just can't keep your hands to yourself. I mean you could but why would you want to! Ah, ah! " He says, running his hands in areas where no one should look.
"Oh stop it Sebastian, you're just lonely. What happened to your last boyfriend anyway? Did he dump you again?" I retorted.
Sebastian gasps and replies with, "Oh shush, you can't say anything about that because you don't even have a boyfriend Babe-"
"Actually she does have a boyfriend," Xavier says, putting his hand on my waist.
"And who would that be?" I ask, narrowing my eyes at Xavier's hand.
"You're looking at him,"
"Really? Because I don't see Luke Hemmings anywhere," At this remark, I notice Xavier become a little irritated. But I mean who wouldn't be? Especially with that ego of his...
"Luke Hemmings? Who's that even supposed to be? Some nerd I presume?"
"Actually, quite the contrary. Luke Hemmings is the front man of the Australian band '5 Seconds of Summer'. He's an absolutely adorable breadstick." I pulled my phone out from my pocket and unlocked it to show him a picture of Luke, but before I could do so, it was whipped out of my hands. "Hey!" I glared at Xavier. "What the cluck do you think you're doing?!" At this, Xavier looked at be and turned around, continuing to fiddle with my phone.
"Sebastian! Are you not going to do anything about this?!"
"Nah, it's too funny to watch for me to have to stop it."
"Hush Starling. I prefer you yell my name behind closed doors, not here. There are children present you know." Xavier said. Upon hearing this, I smacked his head and quickly retrieved my phone from the conniving fiend's grubby giant hands.
"What did you do to my poor phone besides molest it?"
"Oh nothing. And your phone is lucky to have me touching it."
"Ew no. Get away from me you PHONE MOLESTER!" Luckily, by the time I said this, it was already my turn in the lunch line. So after getting my daily mid-day sustenance, I sped off to my usual empty table. Of course it would be less empty after Sebastian got his rations as well. And possibly America too, but she's pretty unpredictable because she's an even bigger social butterfly than Sebastian is, which means that she's in a lot more friend groups. I mean I do feel bad that Sebastian is always sitting and hanging out with me instead of others--I've even voiced this out to him, but he's assured me that he enjoys my company and only hangs out with me when he wants to. That didn't come out right but I can assure you that Sebastian has the purest of intentions, I should know as we've been best friends since I moved here in Pre-School.
"Hey Starlet! Can I have some of that?" Sebastian asked, pointing at my pack of gummy worms I got from the vending machine before sitting down.
"Hands off Compadre! I bought this with my hard earned money!"
"You mean your parents' money," Sebastian retorted.
"Same same. They worked hard to get the money and I work hard in school to earn my allowance each quarter,"
"I still don't get why your parents do that. I mean it's practically insured that you're going to get straight A's every quarter,"
"Well it's meant as an incentive and a warning for me to not mess around in school. If I mess around or get distracted by things the cliché high schooler gets distracted by, then I won't get allowance--"
"Yeah, but you hardly even use your debit card! And you barely even use the cash you bring with you!" Sebastian exclaimed.
I sighed. "I was just getting to that, if you hadn't rudely interrupted me." I said, glaring at my annoying friend. "So annnyyyywayyyy, the money is still important because what if I get into a situation where I need to pay for something? Like what if you suddenly passed out because you were allergic to the peanuts in the soup and the only way for you to get access to an EpiPen was for it to be purchased from the nurse huh? Those things are not cheap! Twenty dollars is not going to cut it! The last time I checked they were like $400!"
"Woah woah. Slow your roll Crazy Lady. One, we don't even have soup right now, two, it's unethical to for our school nurse to not treat me--especially because my parents and I have already signed papers about this--and three, I have an EpiPen in my backpack. We both know that."
Darn it. I forgot that Sebastian was knowledgeable about the medical field as I was. "That peanut soup thing was a hypothetical situation Sebby. And what if the nurse suddenly becomes corrupt and someone steals your EpiPen to get high huh?"
"Blah blah, you're spiraling again. And also, get high on an EpiPen? Seriously Starling? That's the best you got?"
"Hey! People could definitely get high off of EpiPens! Those literally have pure adrenaline!"
"Okay okay, whatever Babe. Just finish up your rabbit food and eat those gummy worms before I do." Ah, sweet, vegetable-intolerant Sebastian..hahahahhahahahahah. He despises vegetables so much that he calls salads 'rabbit food' or 'goat food'. I don't know why, but I guess he's just one of those kids.
Out of the corner of my eye, I notice a hand going for my worms. "AYE! WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT KEEPING YO DIRTY HANDS OFF MY FOOD!" I grip Sebastian's wrist tightly and go to glare at him. But before I could, he dashed out of the cafeteria, leaving his mess for me to clean up.
"Byeee Lavender! Don't be late to class! I love you!" Sebastian yells as his voice fades into the halls.
"I hope you get pulled over by the principal for running with stolen goods," I grumble as I pick up the remnants of his and my lunch before throwing them into the nearest waste basket.
X x X x
Hey everyone!
We are so so sorry that we've lied about updating. Though luckily we finally forced our lazy arses to whip up this chapter. We're sorry if it's boring and if it seemed like the characters changed, but remember it's literally the third year this book has been around, meaning that we are now three years older, and hopefully somewhat better authors! Please let us know if you have suggestions for the story and if you believe that the characters are completely different.
We love you guys,
Kat & Dia
P.S. Please vote, comment, and share the book. We really need something to let us know that people are actually happy with what's going on with the book.
RomanceI did nothing. I couldn't do anything but just sit here stone-faced. I don't know how I'm supposed to feel right now. My best friend betrayed me too many times, my mother has anger issues, and I have a distant father, so why should I hold on to my s...