The Pillar

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It's been about a week since you transferred to school and you found yourself very attached to the library and often visited it to spend time to read at the cozy corner next to the window. But you didn't realize that you weren't the only one that was visiting the library ever so often. Behind the pillar near you, stood Mori with an opened book in his hand but he paid no attention to the contents of the book but instead all his attention was on you.

Mori stood there admiring your soft features and how engrossed you seemed to be as you read the book, you had a cheerful yet peaceful expression which Mori always found himself smiling unconsciously to.

"There you are! Taka chan is over here!" Honey exclaimed once he spotted Mori at the exact same spot he was everyday . Mori's eyes widened once he heard his name turning to see Honey and Tamaki making their way towards him.

"You've been coming late for host club duties and what on earth are you doing in the library ?" Tamaki asked as he made his way towards Mori who swallowed a lump in his throat.

Honey on the other hand looked very confused peeking from behind the pillar as he spoke, " Mori chan you've been at the excat same spot everyday what are you...." Honey's voice started to trail off once he laid his eyes on you and that once confused expression changed into a big grin as he shouted, "(y/n) Chan!!!" your head immediately shot up all attention on the person who called your name , only to see that it was Honey . You gave off a sweet smile as Honey made his way towards you talking about how his day went. You smiled at the sweet boy in front of you thinking to yourself how you still couldn't believe he was a year older than you.

"I see what's going on here... coming late , staying in the library during free period and standing at the exact same spot.." Tamaki said with a playful grin forming on his lips causing Mori to stiffen up.

" You take a liking in her don't you?" Tamaki asked cheekily winking at Mori . Mori then turned his head to your direction seeing you smile as you spoke to Honey and having your laughter serenade his soul . Tamaki then playfully pushed Mori from behind the pillar causing him to stumble catching both Honey's and your attention.

You smiled and waved once you saw Mori who returned you with a nod before turning away scratching the back of his head. You and Honey made your way to him .

"What a coincidence to see you two here again ." You said turning to look at Honey and Mori . Honey started to nod his head vigorously as he spoke, " Yeah!! It's such a coincidence that Mori always stands behind the pillar over there everyday!! Which happens to be where you...." Before Honey could complete his sentence he was cut off by Mori covering his mouth with a faint blush creeping across his cheeks.

You started to giggle turning to Mori who started to blush even more. Everyday?

You noticed the book Mori was holding in his hand and asked, " Isn't that the book you helped me get the last time?" Mori's blush deepened as he nodded .

Tamaki who was hiding behind the pillar saw Mori's blush and confirmed his suspicion, Mori does like her... A big grin played on his lips as ideas of how to set the both of you up started to form in his head.

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