The only one that can make me loose my cool within a minute

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It was the end of a long day at school, you made your way home but not before taking shower after soccer practice . You were pretty much worn out from all the training not to mention this senior of yours who kept pestering to ask you out on a date.

Kai was a really good looking guy that many girls had a crush on but whether you admit it or not, your heart already belonged to another... Mori... You mentally slapped yourself for thinking about him repeatedly and how you rejected him .

Man I'm such an idiot sometimes! But it's a reality I have to face, I can't match up to a guy like him..You sighed as you left the school compound , ready to make your way home.

Just Then you spotted a tall figure at the gates only to see that it was Mori who has an unreadable expression on his face. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath in , sighing.

Just ignore him, you told yourself .

Mori felt himself tensed up once he saw you. After the talk he had with Honey he decided that he had to let you know how he feels, he knew you were trying to protect his reputation but you were actually killing him on the inside. His heart breaks a little whenever he sees you smile to someone other than him. To make things worst, you kept your distance from him and all he could do was admire you from a far. I've waited so that it'd only be the two of us , so I could set things straight , it's now or never.

As you pass through the gate, you felt someone grab your wrist, the first person that came to mind was...

Takashi kun?!

You spun around , only to see that it was none other than Kai who was grinning and a very pissed looking Mori near by.

"Hey (y/n) chan !" Kai said as he slowly let go of your wrist. You gave him a small smile as you tried to walk away , but Kai slung an arm over your shoulder .You were trying to keep your distance away from Mori but Kai here wasn't helping you out much.

"You've been the only girl that has ever rejected me , if you're playing hard to get , It's really working." Kai said as he turned so that both of you could meet eye to eye as he winked at you playfully. You sighed looking away thinking of how many times he had tried to hit on you but never learnt his lesson.

Then suddenly, you felt a presence behind you only to turn around to see a pissed looking Mori , glaring at Kai. Kai and Mori were the same age and were the few highly recognized guys for their amazing talent in sports.

" Do you mind Mori? I'm trying to ask her out." Kai said annoyed.

Mori lifted an eyebrow, not amused with Kai's tone . " She's not interested ." Mori said which caused you to swallow a lump you felt in your throat. You've never seen Mori this agitated before.

" I can give her the happiness she'd have longed for. "Kai stated staring intensely at Mori who just brushed it off saying, " Why? Are you leaving now? Cause I'm very sure that's what she's been longing for."

You stared at Mori wide eyed as Kai got pissed and left.

"I can't believe you said that..." You said unconsciously which caused Mori to shift his attention to you.

"Oh, So you're talking to me now?" Mori asked a little agitated.

I'm too tired , I can't control my other side...Mori thought to himself.

"Eto.. Thank you for helping me out but I should really get going ...."You said turning away reluctantly, It's for his own good you said, trying to convince yourself. Mori could see from your eyes how troubled you were , he could also see a tiny bit of concern you had for his behaviour. She does care....

As you walked away holding back your tears, Mori grabbed your wrist spinning you around to face him but only to feel a drop on water fall onto his hand .

He looked up from his hand to your face only to see you tearing. With no hesitation he pulled you into a tight embrace , his anger subsiding . He could feel himself in control of his other side.

She's really the only one that can make me loose my cool within a minute and get it back in another....

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