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Hello loves! I am currently on a writing spree so yea, here's another book > <" Anyways please go check out my other books! As usual, please vote, comment, and Enjoy!

Lunar chan,
The book girl🌟


(A/N): Unless I specify, this book will always be in Lucy's POV :)

What would you do if three evil men with scars and gruesome faces cornered you, saying that you'd make a great slave? I don't know about you, but if it were me, I'd naturally kick their sorry asses. And so that's how this tale started, with me kicking ass.

"You bitch!" Ugly dude #1 screamed as I punched him hard, sending him flying backwards. I involuntarily flinched, must've hurt. Ugly dude #2 sprinted towards me as I sighed, sneaking under him and then judo flipping him straight into the trash cans, where he belonged. I spit to the side of the road, pulling my hood down onto my face once more as I faced the remaining dude, who was standing in shock staring at his friends.

"Well? Want some mate?" I asked smirking as I wiped my mouth with my sleeve. The man growled something before running off the the right, his pants filling the long corridor. I chuckled a but before going to the ugly dude laying on the floor, knocked out. I reached into his pocket, checking if I could scavenge anything useful. 

"Jackpot." I smiled as I felt a wad of cash tucked into his pocket. I discreetly stuffed it into my pocket before exiting the corridor myself. I might be a thief, but it was the only life style fit for me; acting like I had no magic. I couldn't go around showing my magic, it would get me killed, like the rest of my kind. I clenched my fists as I roamed the rest of the town, looking for a good place to eat. My hoodie covered my face and body, which was important. If anyone saw my pale blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes, they'd know what I was. 

I quickly scampered into a hotel inn, looking for the dining bar. Rapidly navigating to a chair, I settled down and handed over some of the stolen cash, looking at the menu through my tinted sun glasses. "A bowl of pasta please." I roughly ordered and the waiter nodded, walking off after eyeing my weird clothing a bit. Who wouldn't? I was wearing a body covering hoodie and sun glasses! I chuckled to myself as I dug into the steaming pasta, gulping down some beer. I had no manner and I knew, but to keep people away, this was the best life style.

I chowed down and left the hotel, aware of a set of eyes set on me. As I walked through the evening paths of the town, a figure followed me, staying at least ten feet away. I stared at the cloaked figure through my peripheral vision, that was when two more figures started strolling next to him, all cloaked as they set after me. I sighed; this was quite usual. Even though I hid my magic, some found it weird that I wore such clothes and followed. 

I walked to an empty corner and turned, facing the figures. "Whatcha want dorks?" I insulted, spitting to the side, showing my rudeness as I glared the figures down through my glasses. "Nothing, we just came to ask a few question, so how 'bout you come with us sweet heart?" The man in the middle said, his magic aura reaching me. Would I be able to take on three wizards using only weapons? Time to find out. I smirked a little, "Fight meh bitches." I snorted as they all sighed, rushing at me from different directions.

Without harming my attire, I quickly punched one, before the floor underneath me became quick sand. The sky above started rumbling as clouds rolled in. I tried to calm myself, hoping my magic wouldn't come into to play to save me from dying. As I was stuck in one spot I stared down at my opponents. What were three cloaked wizards doing here in Magnolia? "Who sent you?" I growled as the right most figure laughed. "Our boss, why don't we go see him now?" she said. 

"How about not?" a different voice called. We all turned to the right to see three more figures, standing at the entrance to the hall. The one to the right has long red hair, a curvaceous figure and brown eyes, not the same shade as mine though, my shade was unique to my kind only. The one to the left was a male with spiky raven hair, a muscular body and black eyes. He wasn't wearing a shirt for some reason. The one in the middle had spiky salmon hair and onyx eyes. Who they hell were they. They all stepped forward into the street lamp, and that's when I saw it: Their guild marks.

They were from Fairy Tail, strongest guild in Fiore. The cloaked figures in front of us cursed, canceled the spell and vanished, knowing they couldn't take some of the strongest wizards in Fairy Tail, Salamander, Titania and Gray Fullbuster. Once the sand vanished into thin air, I stretched my legs a little before facing the mow curious looking wizards who stared at my attire with suspicion.

"Well hello to you too, thanks for saving me and bye." I spoke in the most roughest and manliest voice I owned as I started to walked past the trio. However an arm stopped me as I traced the hand back to Gray Fullbuster. "Who the hell are you?" He asked and I cringed. Shit, how the hell would I get out of this one?     

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