Chapter Fourteen

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*Harry's POV*

Karley's friend Michaela came here. Those two are really close. I'm kinda bummed because I really just wanted to hang out with Karley by myself over break. But, as long as I'm with her, it'll be fine. Plus, Michaela seems really cool.

*Karley's POV*

Michaela and I head back to my dorm to pack for the break. Michaela is already packed and is lying on my bed, waiting for me to finish packing. I finally finish and lay down next to her.

"How do you like England so far?" I ask Michaela. "I really like it here. And the boys aren't too bad either." I laugh and roll my eyes. "Hey Michaela. When you were slapping Louis, did you notice Liam staring at you?" She furrows her eyebrows at me and says "The sweet and sensitive, yet cheeky one? He wasn't staring at me!" I laugh and nod my head yes. "Yes, he was." Michaela shakes her head no, and I say "You two would be a cute couple." She laughs and says "I know. And yeah, he's hot but I'm leaving in a week. I don't want to get a boyfriend and then have to leave." I nod my head, because I understand where she's coming from, but I will give Liam her number when she leaves.

Were just catching up, when my phone buzzes. It's Harry.

*hey babe. R u ready?*

"Who is it?", Michaela asks. I tell her it's Harry and send him a quick text.

*yeah we r ready. Come get our bags plz babe? :)*

*sure thing*

I turn to Michaela and say "Harry's coming to get our bags." She nods and we bring them into the hallway and wait for Harry to come.


Harry loads our bags in the car, and climbs in. I follow him, and Michaela follows me. We tell the driver to turn the music up, and Michaela and I start singing and dancing in our seats. Harry looks at us like were crazy, but we keep signing and dancing.

Finally, we arrive at Harry's. Harry gets out and holds the door open for Michaela and I. We go to the trunk and get our luggage while Harry pays the driver.

"Did your parents say Michaela could come?", I ask Harry. He nods his head and leads us to his front door. We step inside and Harry is bombarded by two really pretty girls. The hugs and kisses and welcomings finally stop and Harry clears his throat.

"Mom, Gemma, this is Karley, my girlfriend.", Harry says while pointing to me. We hug and they welcome me and then Harry points to Michaela and says "Mom, Gemma, this is Michaela, Karley's best friend from America." They pull her into hugs and welcome her as well. They introduce themselves "Hi, I'm Anne, Harry's mom.", the older one says. "And I'm Gemma, Harry's older sister.", the younger one says.


Harry leads us upstairs and brings us to the guest room. "You ladies can stay in here. My room is right across from yours.", Harry says while carrying our luggage in. We nod and Harry says "Unless Karley wants to stay with me?", while winking at me. I blush and say "N-no. I'm good here, thanks Harry." He nods his head, kisses me on the cheek, and walks out.

I turn to Michaela who just sighed, and ask "What's wrong?" Michaela rolls her eyes and says "Nothing. I just think Harry is a little bummed that I'm here. I really don't like him so far." I nod my head and say "Yeah, but I'm glad your here. Come on! Let's try to have fun this week." Michaela agrees and we start to unpack.

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