Chapter Twenty-Eight

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*Karley's POV*

When I came out, someone was knocking on the door.


*Harley's POV*

I finish messaging Karley and hurry to get to her room. I haven't seen her in so long and I'm so happy that we are finally going to be together again. She was my best friend, and I've missed her so much!


*Karley's POV*

"Michaela can you not hear that someone is knocking on the door?!" I ask when I step out from the bathroom. Michaela turns to look at me and says "I can hear it but that doesn't mean I can enough to get up and see who it is!" I shake my head and walk over to the door. When I open it, my jaw drops in shock at what I see. Before me is a girl, about my height, maybe a little shorter with deep brown eyes, and very familiar red hair. It registers in my mind and I throw my arms around her. "HARLEY!!" I shout while squeezing the life out of her.

She hugs me back just as tight and yells "KARLEY!!!" We let go of each other and step out of the hallway and into my room. "I can't believe your here!", Harley says. "I can't believe your here!", I say while sitting down on my bed. Harley follows and sits next to me. "Michaela, this is Harley. Harley, this is Michaela.", I introduce them. They acknowledge each other and Michaela goes back to typing away on her phone.

"KARLEY!!", Michaela shouts suddenly, standing up off her bed. "WHAT?!", I yell back. "I was just talking to Liam and he said Niall is almost done getting ready and will be here in less than 20 minutes for your date!" "OH MY GOD! You have a date?!", Harley asks excitedly. "Yeah and I have to get ready!" Harley nods and says "We can catch up tomorrow! Love ya, Karley! Bye! Oh, and nice to meet you Michaela!" Michaela and I nod and Harley leaves.

I rush over to my closet and start digging through my clothes. "What should I wear?!", I ask quickly. "I DON'T KNOW!!", Michaela shouts. "UGHH!!", I say and continue searching. I finally decide on black skinny jeans, a red tank top, and a white cardigan over it. I pull the clothes on and then pull my black flats on. "How do I look?!" I ask Michaela. "You look great now go do your hair and makeup!!" I nod and run to the bathroom.

I decide on curling my hair. I do that quickly and brush my teeth. After, I put my mascara, foundation, and eyeliner on. I'm good with my makeup and I throw on a pair on earrings and a necklace. I'm satisfied with my look and I emerge from the bathroom. Michaela looks at me and says "You look great!" I thank her and sit down on my bed to catch my breath. Niall will be here in 5 minutes. Michaela and I talk until we hear a knock on the door.


*Niall's POV*

Liam is texting Michaela, of course. He came over to help me get ready for my date with Karley. "Liam, mate, what do I wear?" Liam looks up at me and gets up to help me. "Wear these blue skinny jeans, this white shirt, and these red sneakers.", Liam says while throwing the items at me. I thank him and pull the clothes on. I slip into my shoes and head to the bathroom. I brush my teeth, style my hair, and spray a little cologne. Gotta smell good right? Satisfied, I walk out and look at Liam for approval. He nods and I head to Karley's dorm.


I arrive at Karley's dorm and knock. I look around the hall and wait for someone to answer the door. Michaela, I think her name is, opens the door and let's me in. I see Karley stand up off her bed and walk to us. She looks amazing! She's really fit! "Ready to go?" I ask Karley. She nods and I slip my arm through hers and laugh a little at his cute she looks when she blushes at this little action. After we get into the hall, Karley asks "Where are we going?" I smile and shake my head. "It's a surprise love." She groans and I smile at how cute she is: again.

I really like her. I hope she likes me. I hope this night goes smoothly.

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