Chapter Twelve

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*Harry's POV*

Karley and I are going on our first official date tonight. To be honest, I'm a little nervous. I really like her and I want it to be perfect. My thoughts are interrupted by my door being opened and slammed shut. I look up to see an angry looking Niall, a calm looking Zayn, and am agitated Liam. Zayn's my roommate, so I don't know why Liam and Niall are here.

"Hey Zayn.", I greet him with a head nod. He nods back and then I turn to the others. "What do you two want?", I ask. Niall speaks up. "Zayn kissed Karley but didn't mean it? Why would he do that?", he shouts. I try to contain my laughter, and when I do I say "Niall, Zayn and I already worked this out. And besides, Karley is my girlfriend now, so what's it to you?" Niall looks dumbfounded as he says "I'm still her friend." I shake my head in amusement and say "Well, I need to get ready for my date with Karley, so Liam take Niall back to your room." Liam nods and they walk out.

I walk to my closet and pull out black skinny jeans, a white t-shirt, and a black blazer, along with my dress shoes. I fix my hair by running my hand through it, and finish by brushing my teeth.


*Karley's POV*

I hurry to my closet and dig through the clothes hanging up. Eleanor sees me and starts to laugh. I give her a death glare. "This is serious! I have my first real date with Harry tonight! I need help!", I tell her while frantically look for the perfect outfit. Eleanor grabs my wrist and sits me on the bed. "Allow me.", she says while going through the clothes. She tells me to go curl my hair, because Harry had told her he likes my hair curled. I blush when she says that, and I rush to the bathroom. I curl my hair and brush my teeth. I finish right as Eleanor yells for me to come out. Laying on my bed is a strapless red dress that comes to about mid thigh and hugs my curves perfectly, along with black heels, and Eleanor's red purse. It really is perfect.

"Thanks Eleanor.", I say as I rush to put the outfit on. She waves me off with her hand and tells me to hurry up. I finish and she helps me position the dress so it looks just right. As I go to put my makeup on, Eleanor stops me. "What?", I ask slightly confused. "I want to do it.", she says while pouting. I sigh and finally agree. She applies foundation and mascara, along with a little bit of eyeliner and some very light red lipstick.

I look in the mirror, and surprisingly I like it. As I'm admiring her work, her phone rings.

"Hello? Yes. Yeah we just finished. Okay, see you soon.", Eleanor hangs up and I immediately ask her who it was. "That, was your boy toy Harry. He's on his way.", Eleanor tells me. I nod my head and slip my heels on. Eleanor and I talk about ourselves until it's time.

A knock on the door freezes me mid sentence and I walk over to it. I tell Eleanor goodbye and am faced with a very good looking Harry Styles.

I step into the hallway, and am very aware of Harry checking me out, as I'm sure he's aware of me checking him out. "You look beautiful Karley.", Harry says as he grabs my hand. "You look really good too Harry.", I say well blushing. After walking to his car I ask "Where are we going?" He shakes his head and says "It's a surprise." I nod and we talk about ourselves until we arrive.

Harry gets out and comes over to open the door for me. We link arms and walk up to a little restaurant. I gasp, as I see Harry has rented it out. "Harry, it's beautiful.", I say as we are seated. He gives me a cheeky smile and says "Not as beautiful as you are Karley." I blush and mentally thank Eleanor for not putting blush on me. I smile and say "It's a good thing Eleanor didn't put blush on me." Harry laughs and says "I agree. I bring out the red in your cheeks just fine." I giggle and nod. We place our order and talk the whole time. We get along so well.

We finish up, and Harry tells me he has one thing to show me. He leads me outside and and tells me to look up at the sky. There are fireworks being shot off a plane flys by spelling out 'Harry and Karley' I smile at his cheesiness and kiss him passionately on the lips.

We walk back to the car and drive back to school. He walks me back to my dorm and kisses me again. We pull away and simultaneously say "Goodnight." I turn around and hear muffled voices in the room. Eleanor must be with Danielle. I open the door to see Eleanor on her bed, and Michaela on mine.

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