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Chapter One


The banging sound of someone hitting the door snapped them apart as the eldest brother opened the door, nothing but a gasp escaping his lips when seeing who was at the door.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm here for what's mine"

*Thirds Person POV*

The eldest boy stared shocked, not knowing how to respond.

"You have no business being here, get out and off our property" One of the brothers speaks up from behind him

"Oh, but you see little boy, you have something that is lawfully mine in fact make that two things" The man replies crossing his arms

"Call us things one more time I'll punch your teeth in mate, now would you kindly piss off thanks" Tris speaks 

"Ah Tristan, not the name I would've chosen, but no matter we can always fix that" 

"Back away, this doesn't concern you" 

"Of course, you're on their side now? Oh well doesn't mean much, I'm really only here for my daughter then I'll be out of your hair" He chuckles

"I'm not, nor will I ever be your daughter. So, don't think I'm going with you now or ever and if you do think that your more stupid then I thought originally, now back to my previous statement piss" Tris relies calmly crossing her arms, but everyone expect the man knew she was trying so hard not to smack his teeth. 

The man eyes darken before walking away, the look on his face showed his wasn't kidding when he spoke, which only scared the girl. Though she would never admit to anyone. 

She was in her own world till fingers skimmed her arm brought her back to earth to see to the worried faces looking at her. Now before all this Tris would've walked away, not letting anyone in and see her raw emotions, but now after all the hiding she wasn't going to run.

She turned into the nearest person for comfort which happened to be Nathan. Now for Nathan and the rest it was a moment of not breathing, he pulled her into a hug, testing the waters. It didn't take long before she wrapped her arms around his waist not caring at that point.


Late at night, when all had settled and not a sound could be heard; she sat at the window watching the moon weave in and out of the clouds. If you were an outsider looking in, you probably would've thought it was just a peaceful moment, a girl watching the world move in silence, but if you looked really close you could see the silent tears that fell from her grey blue eyes. The mug of tea long forgotten, gone as cold as the snow. 

She sits and wonders if she had done things differently, would she be safe from this terrible monster which threatened to break down the walls of security?

Would the dark not look so scary from beyond the pane of glass between them? 

It was questions like these that kept her up that night, and it was the same sort of questions that clouded to mind of a certain boy, who lay looking at the ceiling. If the door hadn't been knocked on, would their lips have met in the middle?

Would their whole relationship have changed in the matter of seconds?

Time ticked bye, not that it was noticeable I guess, I mean the only reminder that time existed was the quiet little ticks of the clock.

Tick.... Tick...

No one would ever know how he ended up sitting in front of her that night nor would they ever know the way they looked at each other. The moon casting a strange shadow over the two, both half shadowed by the untouched bits from the light making their faces show half to the other.

The both reached their hands up, fingertips just touching and they swayed their hands from side to side, almost like the ocean would do to a ship, a gentle rocking that calmed the pair; giving the reassurance the other was there and not letting go.

Toes touching slightly and their hands lowered back to the sides of their bodies. Legs crossed as they fiddle with fingers in their laps; not too sure whether it was the right moment to mention the almost kiss, it seemed like it should remain an unspoken fluke of blindness.

So, they sat together in the silence and eventually she slipped into a dreamless sleep; but he remained awake, wondering if she would ever feel the way he does or whether she doesn't want to ever bring up the unspoken moment.

She may never know how she awoke in her room the next morning nor would she know how he carried her to bed, leaving her with a kiss on the forehead; before climbing back into his own bed a door's down. 

She most defiantly will never know he sat awake for a few moments longer, debating everything some more before his eyes drooped shut, eyelashes kissing his cheeks as he fell into the deep darkness he calls sleep.

In the background, still as faint as the pitter patter of mouse feet, the clock hung from the wall ticking quietly.

Tick.. Tick... Tick.



First chapter is up and I'm soooooooo excited for this, stay tuned!

much love 

-RedtoMyBlueKiwi xx

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