Chapter 9

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A good song for this chapter is "Say Something" by A Great Big World. 


Hi everyone! So, this whole book has been in my POV (narrator) and now I'm going to try something different. Everybody I present Tris' POV for the first time since book 1, I hope this tugs the heart strings. So, let me know if you needed some tissues or want some! Love to you all!

Chapter 9 

I stayed home those next few days, they wouldn't let me see him. They held fear that I would brake again and maybe bolt, but I couldn't this time, I can't leave him knowing he may never be okay again. I sat at my desk, booting up my laptop for the first time since... since Nathan was admitted to hospital. I didn't want to see what they were saying really, even if it wasn't about me I couldn't read an account off the occurrence when I wasn't coming to terms with it myself. 

Scrolling through some social media, it was comforting to see not much on the topic, well that was until I came across a post directed towards me. "It's her fault he is in hospital, its her fault we almost lost a friend, not hating but honestly she seems to be magnet to trouble" one person said 

Another said, "stick together guys she's causing shit again" but that's not what got me...

"She probably set Nathan up and got him shot"

It felt like a replay of months before when my life came tumbling down again, when people's words would hurt so much I felt numb to the slice blades of the attacker's sword. Slowly I closed the lid of the device and moved to the floor. The phone rang, and I picked it up in a hurry hoping for good news today. But that's not what I got, it was only my brother telling me Nathan hadn't woken up from his surgery and they couldn't tell when he would.

I threw the phone away from me, and grabbed at the roots of my hair, tugging them till it hurt and a few strands came out. Rocking back and forth I sobbed, sobbed because I was helpless once again and didn't know what to do, I sobbed because I felt gilt so much of it that it kept me awake at night. I sobbed because for some reason fate decided Nathan had to jump in the way. 

I looked to the roof of my room and screamed,

"MAKE IT STOP! PLEASE JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! YOU DID THIS AND I CAN'T ESCAPE FROM IT JUST PLEASE MAKE IT STOP HURTING PLEASE, I CANT Handle this just please please please make this all go away, stop it hurting please just stop it hurting" I drifted off laying on the floor and curled into a ball crying, I just needed to stop.

*Narrators POV*

The next day she made her way to the hospital, and now she stood at the end of his bed. All by herself other then Nathan who was still unconscious. The small beeps of the machine letting people know he was still alive. 

"You are bloody idiot you know that right? You wouldn't be in this situation, but I guess I wouldn't have been so lucky, would I? but please wake up" she made her way to sit next to him, tears already forming "Nathan please, say something yeah? Open those eyes and we can go anywhere you want, we could go to the movies or out for food! Anything you want but please say something or wake up, make some movement please, I'm sorry you think I wouldn't have done the same for you. I always will, wake up so I can show you! I know nothing Nathan please I'm so lost and feeling incredibly small" her words were getting caught behind the lump in her throat "I'll be with you till the end, but the end isn't now okay? I'm not going to say goodbye do you understand that?! You're not going to leave me okay? I know I'm selfish, but please just know I'm not giving up on you. This wasn't supposed to happen, your supposed to be here awake so we can be watching the childhood films we missed out on watching together yeah?" a loud continuous beep blared in the room and quickly she pulled away as doctors and nurses swarmed in yelling words she didn't get. She sat in a chair silent as could be. Tris wasn't going to say goodbye to him, not now, she just couldn't. it was more then she could handle. 

A person sat next to her, pulled her close, whispering small words of comfort into her ears.

"I can't lose him, I just got him" she sobbed 

"I know love I know, but we can't control what happens okay?" her brother replied not really knowing if Nathan would pull through this one.

A nurse walked out of Nathans room and made her way to the pair on the couch and gave one single head gesture to them. Sending her into a spiral of new tears.

And the cliff-hangers are back! Oops!

All the Love 

-RedtoMyBlueKiwi xx

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