Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

As she wonderd through the graveyard it felt like something was watching her, it brought an unsettling feeling to her stomach, but she had to do this. A cold breeze hit her arms, making goose bumps erupt on her skin and it most certainly didn't help lift the atmosphere. She sat in front of the big stone that spelled out a small insight into who lay at peace below the surface. The last time she had been here it became an unpleasant and saddening memory of looking for answers and guidance and receiving silence.

A hand placed itself on her shoulder, making Tris shiver and look up to come face to face with whom she considered the devil himself. She stood and looked him in the eye, distaste and anger clear on her face.

"What are you doing here? You have no business here" she spoke firmly, fists clenching to the point her dull nails scraped her palms

"Well my dear I'm only here to comfort my Daughter" she shoved his hand from her shoulder as if it burnt

"You have no daughter, no don't make me scream profanities at you upon my parent's grave, I may have a disliking towards you, but I will not disrespect my parents in such a way." Standing her ground, keeping eye contact

"The woman buried here may be your mother but the man whom is buried with her is nothing but a random to you, he isn't your dad, he isn't anything other than someone from memories to you. Your half-brother's dad maybe ten feet under but your dad is here and in front of—" she slapped him clean across the face to shut him up

"You need to leave right now, he may not have been biologically related to me, but he will always be my dad, the man I look too, and you will never have that place, for you are the stranger, you are the one who has no relation to me." With this spoken she grabbed her bag and began to walk away but before she was complete out of ear shot he yelled

"Blood is thicker then water"

She responded, "But the water keeps me alive"


Tris wondered the halls, classes had just finished for the day, but she had to stay behind to wait for the older boys to finish training. Locking her locker, she heads to the field to watch the boy practise and to get some more homework done.

It had dawned on her as she sat on the bench, that one person who she thought would always be there for her, one person had so many amazing memories with had never contacted her about what had happened. Never called her brothers to see if she was home safe. Tris felt like a brat thinking like that, but it stung to know her only best friends for a long time never called. In fact, if she thinks back, Nikki never answered her messages anymore or calls even.

So she pulled out her phone and sent a simple message to who she hoped would still be there on the other end, a simple word.


Placing her phone down Tris pulled out her laptop to continue her English homework, she was assigned to write her experience into a small speech. It wasn't out of cruelty to relive those moments, Tris actually choose this topic when she was asked to write it. It was decided that if she felt comfortable enough it would be read to the class.

She began to type and draft everything out when her phone chimed with a message. She took a breath before turning over the device to see a reply from her previous greeting.

"Um, hello?" like a thunderclap it dawned on Tris that maybe she wasn't as important to her best friend anymore

"Hey Nikki, how have you been?"

"Fine, I'm good"

"That's good..."

"Look Tris, we haven't spoken in months and I know we have been through a lot together, but I've been doing well and please don't take this wrong way but please don't message me."

She never did reply to Nikki's message, but she refused to be angry or upset. So, she muted the contact and shut the phone off. Nothing was going to spiral her anymore, she was done with the earth beneath her crumbling, it was time to build a better support slab and build up.

Walking into her room she threw her stuff down and laid on her bed, staring at the ceiling she drifted into a dreamless slumber. Though as she fell asleep someone walked down the hall to her room and opened to door. A smiled appear on his thin lips as he saw her in a peaceful state, he had only come up to say it was time to eat but he didn't want to wake her from what he hoped was a beautiful alternate reality. So, he walked out and shut the door, telling the others she was asleep and didn't want to wake her. The rest smiled and wrapped her dinner and placed it in the microwave for later.

They ate in silence; the only sound was forks scraping plates and a seemingly unnoticeable sound.

Tick... Tick.


Anyway, can you let me know if you would read another book written by me? different story line and such.

All the Love 

-RedtoMyBlueKiwi xx

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