Chapter 8

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Reader Warning- Mentions of blood and gun shots. xx

Chapter 8

It was a seemingly harmless act walking through park was, a brother and sister talking about the random things. Each taking turns in sharing random knowledge, stories and memories; it was nice for them to be able to bond and make up for time that was unknowingly ticking bye. The thing about time is sometimes its on a loop and other times, in a less fortunate situation, it was a count down to something like a birthday or event and others it was account down to something not so pleasant.

They had sat at the bench by the playground, he was standing up though giving a visual representation of stupid thing he had done as a child on the very same playground. Tris laughed at Nathans antics, recalling the time she had gotten stuck upside down on the monkey-bars and Blake had to rescue her before she could do damage. 

Then the laughter stopped, there was screaming and panic, chaos and confusion with one singular noise. One that was powerful enough to snatch away someone's time before its finished.

The shot was fired.

It happened so quickly that Tris barley had time to turn, the shot originally aimed in her direction; the shooter in eyes sight and their face deadly. That one shot that could be a fatal bringing.

So why didn't it hurt? Why was there no pain jabbing through her chest? 

Her eyes wild she scanned around only to land on her brother, hands to his stomach to keep the injury steady.

"Nathan!" she screamed "Help! SOMEONE PLEASE!" her cries were echoed as someone called an ambulance, but would he make it 

"No no no, you idiot you can't LEAVE, why did you move in the way? oh my god please don't take him" she sobbed pressing her hands to the wound

His weak eyes flickered to hers, he pressed his hand onto Tris' own.

"Once I knew, Tris, I swore I would take a bullet for you" he whispered out bringing on more tears "Even though I knew, you wouldn't do the same" he chocked out voice laced with pain 


"Miss, you need to move we need to get him stable and to the hospital" someone grabbed her shoulders and pulled her away from her brother who was basically dying

"NO NO PLEASE I NEED TO GO WITH HIM PLEASE!" She screamed as Nathan was moved to a stretcher and onto the emergency vehicle

The stranger held her back as the van speed off, sirens blaring and lights flashing. The stranger;s arms wrapped his arms around Tris' waist pulling her into a hug in a desperate attempt to calm her down in the slightest. "Please Tris breath" that voice she knew him, Charlie...

"Charlie please take me to the hospital please please" she begged gripping his shirt with desperation and fright

"Okay come on car is this way" he said leading her to the car

The brothers bashed their way through the doors of the hospital, running to reception to find out their sibling is in surgery for a gunshot wound. No other information was given other than to please remain calm and wait while the doctors do their best to save them. All they had been told was someone had been shot, no one knew if it was Tris or Nathan, just that one was in surgery and other wasn't here.

It was silent between the family till the doors once again were thrown open by someone catching the attention of the boys.

"Tris! Oh my god it wasn't you... so Nathan is" Alex trailed off when he saw her bloodied clothes and scared expression "Love, your shaking what's—"

"It was ment for me, the bastard was aiming for me and he jumped in the way!" she yelled, it was only then they took in her appearance.

White shirt stained with blood, along with her hands, her hair messed around and crazy being held by a single hair-tie and finally her expression; it was a mix of hatred and anger, but a vulnerable scared girl was behind it.

So, Alex wasted no more time before wrapping into hug, she sobbed quietly, every fibre of her shaking and stained. Then she was quiet, nothing but silent tears rolled down her red cheeks, eyes slowly drifting to a sleep state. "He doesn't know" was the last thing she said before falling asleep on her brother causing him to call another nurse asking for a room for his only sister. Who now seemed little a small five-year-old again who cried herself to sleep because her mum wasn't there. 

While one twin slept in a terrible nightmare loop of todays events in a hospital bed, the other was fighting for his life. Clinging to everything he could to pull through, but would he? Would ever open his eyes and hear what Tris had to say? Would ever know that he was wrong, and Tris would take a bullet for him too? 

I mention before that time is sometimes that's on a loop and other times, in a less fortunate situations, it was a count-down to something like a birthday or event and others it was account down to something not so pleasant. This is what ment, and right now someone's clock was ticking out and it may just run out before someone can save him.

That blasted noise again...

Tick... Tick.. Tick.




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