Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Nathan climb the stairs to his room, thanking god his fathers wasn't home right now. Opening the door to his room locking it behind him, Nathan laid on floor of bedroom staring at the ceiling. One the habits that stuck from childhood was gazing at the ceiling.

He couldn't help but think, what was his birth mother really like... did he look like her or was all his physical features from his dad. Sure, both Tris and he had the blue/grey eyes and the thinner lips, but was that from their dad?

Dad... The word dad felt sour in his mind, how could the man whom he grew up with, the one who he relied on for advice, the one who fought away the monsters under the bed have kept this secret for just under sixteen years?

He had messed up more in one year then probably someone has in twenty years, it killed him to know what he had done is irreversible and it made him sick to his stomach to think of the chain reaction he started. The torment and pain he put Tris through is disgusting to public eye, how he felt was only worse.

He felt numb in a sense, numb to the feeling of anger and sadness, hurt and confusion. He hadn't realised he was crying till a knock at his door snapped him from the saddening thoughts. He trudged over and unlocked the door, awaiting his fathers shadow to breach through the cracks and snatch away the light of the dim hallway. He awaited to yelling to occur from a man he no longer knew, the man he lived with now wasn't his dad. So, it surprised him when a smaller shadow slipped through the cracks and head of blonde poked through the door.

Familiar eyes stared at him, cheeks a light pink and without a word she walked in and sat next to him on the floor. Unnoticed to Nathan was the fact he sat back on the floor after opening the door. No words were spoken between the two, only the silent exchange of eye contact and almost silent breaths. It felt like slow motion when her hand reached up and touched his face, almost like she thought he was a ghost who would disappear by even the slightest of touches. Like if she breathed to heavy he would blow away like dust on a surface.

It was a silent plea for a spilt second from Nathan before she pulled him into a bone crushing hug, before he broke down, heavy sobs escaped his lips while she held him in the embrace; and in that moment, she whispered two words in his ear that dulled his sobs, that brought his breathing back to ease, that stopped his shaking to a small shiver. Two little words that seemed so innocent yet held meaning.

-Time Jump to Later-

She sat at her window, watching the clouds roll over and cover the stars; she watched their lights faded out as the dark really took over. It was late, and she knew that, but the youngest in the house couldn't sleep. Not when her mind was wide awake and her thoughts stampeding around her heading, forcing her tired eyes to stay open. Little did she know, someone was in the exact same position, staring out the window. Looking at the same sky but from a different angle. He sat and watched the stars disappear, missing the warmth of the hug he received hours ago by someone he thought would never look at him again.

Her phone buzzed, a single message appeared on the screen making her grab a jumper and jeans, before heading downstairs to walk into the front garden seat and wait. He had never lived far from her, so the trip to the house wasn't a long one by any means.

They sat on the bench in the garden, silence crept around them, until he broke the it.

"Thank you" he said, "For today I mean"

She turned to look at the boy next to her, even after everything, something that she never got to do was have a normal conversation with him.

"I knew you were upset today, so I followed you home to make sure you were okay" she shrugged as if it wasn't a big deal, but to both it was a massive deal.

"But why? After everything I've put you through, why wold you care about me? Not saying I'm not thankful and grateful for it, but I'm so confused on how you can do it after what I've done" He replies, uncertainty filling his voice

"Before Mum died, she told one thing I'll never forget, even if I was only four at the time. 'Why walk around with anger and grudges when there are only so many days in a year? Why waste the beautiful days gifted to us with hating?' Its never been easy with everything, and yes, I'll admit that has happened will probably never fully go away, but why hate you? Why should I subject myself to hatred of not just another person, but my twin whom I never knew I had. I would rather have you in my life and try to forgive what has been done, then loose you in the spiral of hate that can easily be avoided"

They had tears in their eyes looking at each other, yes the horrible things had been done, yes they could never turn back to clock and make not happen, but it's not something to dwell on. Life was too short for them to add more hate to the world; and far away across the globe was someone wishing they had a family, so why would they waste such a bond as twins can have with a disconnection that could be avoided? They may seem crazy, Tris may seem crazy, but to her it was a connection she wasn't going to lose.

She leaned against his shoulder, a small wave of comfort flowed through them both as they began to slowly come out of their shells and began to bond. Though they only wished for this connection to have been there from the first day and years., but then I supposed they wouldn't be the same people and our story wouldn't be here. So why waste the days wishes for something in the past to have been different when they had the future to create their memories.

So, the next morning when came and the sun rose, it was a small surprise to the eldest brother to find his youngest siblings laying in Tris' bed on top of the covers facing each other, as if they fell asleep talking.

But alas this peace was not to last for a letter that dropped through the door that morning addressed to a 'Tristan Marie' landed atop of the hardwood floor, a letter that wood carry a new event for the family and the only girl in the house. One that would test every fibre and every relationship in and outside of the house.

The real question was.... Would they survive this one?



I know this took forever to write and I'm truly sorry for it! but anyway, what are your thoughts? hope you are still with me on this story because I was loosing plot for a while.

I was wondering, would you want another book from me after this one is complete? let me know in the comments because I have an idea for a little contest if you want another book.

Right okay so I mention at the start of this chapter I had a big announcement to tell you all.. I am Bisexual and if anyone has a problem with LGBTQ+ you need to fucking leave because I will not tolerate hate or harassment and trust me when I say I will not hesitate to reply with some colourful words of my own so a little word to haters back to fuck down because I'm sick of bullies and the shit I've been put through this year.

All The Fucking Love

-RedtoMyBlueKiwi xx

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