411 15 11

After putting a lot of thought into it I decided I was gonna ask Tyler to marry me.
He means the absolute world to me and I couldn't ask for anyone better.
"Hey Tyler!" I called through the house and Tyler soon walked in.
His baby bump had grown a bit and he had a slight wobble in his step.
"Hmm?" He asked looking at me.
"We're gonna go on a date." I said.
"O-okay." He said and smiled.
"Dress nice." I told him.
"I will Joshy." He said and pecked me on the cheek.
I smiled and went to the closet and got a suit on.
Soon after Tyler came out dressed in a black dress with white trimming and a pair of thigh highs and flats on.
I could see the eyeliner he did on his eyes and a light coat of mascara with a skinny black choker around his neck.
"You look beautiful." I said.
"Thank you." He said and held his hands together in front of him.
I smiled at him and put my hand out.
"Cmon babe." I said softly.
He took my hand and we walked out to the car. I made sure the house was locked before.
I opened his door for him to which he smiled.
"You're such a gentleman." He said softly.
"Just like my mom taught me." I said. 
He giggled and kissed me softly before getting in the car.
I checked my pocket and felt the velvet box. I couldn't wait to see his face.
I walked around the car to the drivers side and got in. I pulled the seatbelt across my chest and buckled up then started the car.
"Where are ya taking me joshy?" Tyler asked from beside me.
"It's a surprise baby boy." I told him.
He giggled again and I started driving.
I had made reservations at a restaurant across town.
By the time we got there Tyler was slightly falling asleep cause LA traffic sucks. (This is not a joke LA traffic is the literal worst)
"Tyler were here." I said and he sat up stretching.
"Ohhhh it's so fancy Joshy you didn't have to do this out." Tyler said.
Oh if only he knew what was to come of him.
"I did to now cmon." I said and walked to his side of the car.
I opened his door and put my hand out to which he gladly accepted. 
I smiled and held his hand as we walked in.
When we got to the reception desk I smiled.
"Dun table for two." I said.
The woman behind the desk looked at the schedule and smiled.
"Right on time it's right this way." She said and led us to a table with a single candle in the middle and rose petals around it.
"The waiter will be right over to take your order." She said and walked away.
I smiled and pulled Tyler's chair out for him.
He smiled and sat down looking around.
There were fairy lights hung up around the dimly lit room and there was quiet chatter coming from tables around us.
I sat down in front of him as the waiter came to us.
We ordered our food and I took Tyler's hand from across the table.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you too joshy." He whispered and smiled brightly.
Soon the waiter brought our food over and we started to eat.

~Time Skip to when they're done~

I was beyond nervous. My palms were sweaty and I kept bouncing my leg.
"Fuck it. It's now it never." I thought to myself.
Slowly I stood up and Tyler looked at me.
I got down on one knee and he got wide eyed.
"Josh what are you doing?" He asked me.
I took his hand in one of mine and looked up into his eyes.
"Tyler I know we haven't been a couple for a long time but we've known each other almost our whole lives. The time that we have been together has been the best of my life so...." I paused and pulled the box out of my pocket. "Tyler Robert Joseph will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the honors of marrying me?" I asked.
He was shaking and tears were coming down his face he sobbed and nodded.
"Y-yes yes I'll marry you." He said and threw himself into my arms.
I smiled and let the tears fall down my face as well.
"I love you so much Joshua Dun." He said.
"I love you too Tyler." I said and he sat back as I pulled the engagement ring out of its holder and slid it onto his shaking finger.
He hugged me again as people started clapping and cheering around us.
He said yes and for now this is the happiest moment of my life.
I'm gonna marry Tyler Joseph and I couldn't ask for more.

Yayyyyyyy happy ending

HAHAHAHA just kidding guys don't freak out. (I'm not as popular as I would like to believe I'm just happy so many people have read my book jeez thank you)

There will be about 4 more chapters and an Epilogue so yeah there you go. 

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