Chapter 15

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The Unexpected Truth

"An Unexpected Truth is better than a thousand beautiful lies ."

I started walking towards the flame I saw earlier, this flame means this place isn't empty. Okay, so that's a good thing, I guess.
I ran a little and came to a stop when I saw a turn. I was ready to shout for help, guessing that someone might be near the burning flame. Before I would say a word, I heard someone speaking.
" That woman haven't eaten for days man. I doubt she will survive for another day." Came a chirping voice , which makes you cringe.
"Yes, we should call our master, this lady is very important for her." Came another voice, loud and over pitched.

I couldn'tn't stop myself to think that how people tolerated them, especially when they speak. Now, who might be the lady they are talking about? I thought it would be better to keep my mouth shut, these guys looks like kidnapers to me. I hid myself behind a big stone, just large enough to hide myself, and waited for the men to leave.
I came out only when I was sure they had left. There might be something , something I am missing here. Who can be the woman they were talking about, why is she important to their master? My mind was already spinning by the contact my head had made with the ground, and now this was a new blow to it.
They have kidnapped someone, that too just below the palace and we all are oblivious to it. Wow, doesn't it sounds great?
I ran towards the direction from where the voices we're coming. Okay, I need to find out about that woman. No one have a right to keep a woman in a cage. I tired to find something, but there was no one in sight. It was quite dark , darker than the place which my throbbing head was reminding me. With small steps , I walked forward, just after making sure , I won't give another pain to my body.
Although I have never been lucky in my life, but there isn't any thing else you can do when you are at a place like this. So putting a hand on my heart for strength ,I spoke in a hushed voice, " hey, is anyone here? I know they have kidnapped you I can help!" I kept repeating the sentence after every 10-15 steps, in a hope that she would reply and those guys wouldn't hear me. Yes, sometimes you have to touch the throns to feel the flowers.
With determination, I kept on walking further. I walked for more than an hour , I mean I felt like I had been walking for an hour. All my positivity started draining. What if I got stuck here forever? Does Ruez even know about this place? And most importantly what will happen to that woman?
I tried one last time asking for someone but no one replied.
I sat on the ground , feeling defeated.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. There has to be something, I can't lose hope so soon. I will be fine, she will be fine. I will find her.
I stood up once again , with a kind of energy I never felt before. I will find her I knew.
"I am here." A very small but audible voice came to my ears.
This small voice brought a light in my eyes. Yes, I found her.
" Where? Where are you?" I spoke aloud, excitement clear in my voice.
"Sshh, don't shout. They might hear you." An elderly voice spoke. I could make from her voice that she is of the same  age as of my mother, her voice speaks experience, maturity and trust.
"I am sorry, but where are you?" I replied , this time in a whisper.
"I am just in front of you my girl. Come straight." I followed the voice without any further question.
She had a very motherly voice, it kind of calmed my nerve. Who can be this lady?
I literally ran towards her but never reached her. I ended up colliding with a wall.
"Shut." I took my head in my hands, what's wrong with me today. I don't think my head is strong enough to take another blow.

"What is this thing I collided with?" I managed to say.
" There is a wall surrounding me. You can't see it, my child. Just beware. If you collided with it again, it might alert others." She sounded concerned, after my own mother , this was the voice which touched my heart.
"But I can't see you." I was eager to see her, to give a face to her motherly image in my head.
"Wait." And then I saw her. My eyes scanned her from her feet to her hair. Her worn-out long white dress had turned grey. It was covered with dirt and was tore at a few places. My eyes scanned her long grey hair falling on her shoulders. Gradually I scanned her face. She looked familiar , a lot familiar. But how can this happen? How?
My mouth dropped open and my eyes were ready to pop out of their socket. Please don't tell me this is true! I mean I want this to be true but how?
Grey beautiful eyes stared back at me. An elderly version of Roze just with a few wrinkles. What I found strange was, the woman I knew had blue eyes and brown hair.

I opened my mouth to talk, but nothing came out.
I tried again. I felt my mouth opening each time, but no words were coming out.
Finally I managed to say her name and it took all my energy just to say the two words.

" Queen Esma?"

I was sure about what I saw, but when your head had collided​ twice in a row, you can't blame your eyes.
Is it really true? The lady in front of me is Queen Esma? I needed confirmation.

" Yes, my child you are right. I am Esma, Queen of Elemento."

I was shocked beyond anything. The lady I saw in pictures had blue eyes and brown hair. How did it turn grey?
Most importantly, all these years , when her family is busy searching her all over the world. She happened to be a prisoner , under her own castle?

I was not in a state to speak. I have seen Ruez crying for her, I have seen that sorrow on Roze's face. I have seen king Tenet's scanning his doors again and again , just in a hope that his wife will come some day.
And most importantly I have witnessed a castle without a Queen . Everything was in its place there but nothing was complete.

And all this time, when two children needed their mother, a dieing husband needed his wife ,
She was prisoned under her own castle. While the world thought she ran away. When everyone thought that the children , the King was the victim, the coined turned and showed her state.
I wanted to ask a lot of questions, I wanted to know her story. Helping had become my duty when I heard that a woman was caged here. But now when I came to know that this woman is the mother of my mate, the queen of my castle , this duty has become my priority. I will help her at any cost, Ruez is my mate and his mother is my mother. I will help her at any cost.
When I opened my mouth to ask her what happened she hushed me with her hand. Concern evident in her actions,
"sshh, I think someone is coming. Go and hide yourself child. No one should see you. "
This brought me back in my senses, before protecting her I need to protect myself. Only then I will be able to take both of us out of here.
I quickly ran and hid myself behind a big stone.
I heard some footsteps approaching her cage.
From the voice I could make that there were more than 2 people.
Who were they and what they wanted?
The footstep came to an halt before her.
Although I wasn't able to see their faces, but I would hear their voices.

And then I heard her voice, a voice I didn't like. I didn't like at all.

"How is my queen doing?"
Said a voice I knew too well!


Author's Note:
Hey!! Yeeaaaaahhh, congratulations guys we reached 5k reads!
Thank you so much for reading this books. It means a lot to me !!
And there is an update for all of you! Dedicated to my beautiful readers!
I love you all.
Please be patient with updates, I have a job now. It will be a little tough to update, but I will try my level best! Don't lose hope, I will not let Ayra and Ruez hang in between. I will complete this story for sure!

Love you guys!

Ifrah <3

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