Chapter 19

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" Energy doesn't make you powerful but power gives you energy, Power of your positive thoughts and power of your good vibes."

Early the other morning , we went out for training. The atmosphere here was far more light and healthy then earth and the fact that it was my birth place as told by Queen Esma made it way more delightful for me.

Queen Esma was beyond ecstatic in the sun. The moment sunshine fall on her, she started shining. And by shining I mean glistering like a gem.
As if her body was storing all the energy. From the past hour, Dr. Hagrid have been trying to find something I do not know and Queen Esma was storing light.

I was sent to examine the garden behind the house. This garden was something I have never seen before, the refreshing smell of the wet mud and the sugary fragrance of all kinds of flowers were making my head spin. It was like my mind is registering this and remembering something I would never believe I did in past. The big green bushes were looking like they came out of some art. Flowers were blooming out of them , beautiful flowers Big and round. My eyes went to a small bud between the flowers, unknowingly my hand touched it. I started feling all the emotions inside the bud, waiting to bloom, excited to show the world how beautiful she will look. My eyes were getting closed and I could see every thing this little bud saw, I could see some children playing, I could see the laughter of those beautiful girls discussing their crushes. I could see the first kiss of the young couple who hid behind this bush. I opened my eyes , I never thought I could be capable of this kind of power , or emotion?

What I felt was hard to express, how can I feel something felt by a flower? When I saw the couple kissing, how can I feel the curiosity and the love inside the bush ? And how can I feel the way love was making them close, how can I feel that there love was flowing inside me from the bush . How can it remind me of my love? My Love. Ruez.

"Ayra" , Queen Esma' s voice brought me out of my thoughts "Dr. Hagrid says we are ready to go to the town."

" I am coming." Finally it's time to meet my people.

I went inside the house and wore the cloak Dr. Hagrid gave me. We weet out of the house when the sun was at our head, on earth it would have been noon but here it was just past 10 in the morning. We went down the lane taking us to a small town.
It was ome of those pretty little busy streets where you will never see even 1% technology.
I felt like I have been transfered to the harry potter world where all people are wizards and most of them were wearing cloaks like us.

Queen Esma was wearing a white shinny cloak so that her lights powers can mix up with the white color and I was wearing a mud shade cloak. Our face covered.

I saw people and clearly distinguished their powers. White for wind, brown for earth and so on.
And the thing which amazed me was that all children less then 5 years old had there hair black.

"The true power of a child comes out after he crosses at least 5 years of age." Dr. Hagrid wispered in my ear.

Althought when we entered the town,  people were diffrent. But gradually when we crossed main streets I saw mostly the people here were bhu, brown hair like mine.

"We are almost here." Dr. Hagrid took us to a small coffee shop. I was not sure what they actually sell in beverages but it looked like a pretty small restaurant where people can come and have some nice coffee.

We went inside and the bell rang. It looked like a small little cozy place but from inside it was huge.
It was complete wodden.
Beautiful benches on all four sides and a small pond in the middle. The pond , I won't say it was a pool because it was so natural that you can't even imagine that any technology ever touched it.
People were sitting on the side with there feet in the pond.

They had a small bar corner, where you can get your drinks from. It was left side , pond in the middle with banches surrounding it and finally on the right side there were sone tables for people who don't enjoy their feet in the pond.

To my dismay,  we went to that side.
On the every last bench , Dr. Hagrid pointed out.
My eyes went up.
Queen Esma almost ran towards the person but Dr. Hagrid stopped her.
"We can't go there right now, we need to be sure that we are alone."

That person didn't look at us at all.
Wearing a burgundy colored cloak with her end head down, she continued staring at something.

"I can't wait any longer Hagrid, please don't stop me." Esma finally ran towards the person and stopped at the feet.

That was when we heard a loud thunder and all lights went off. be continued


Note: It's been a while I updated something or actually written it at all.
I don't know if you will like it or not.Don't even know if anyone is still following my story.
But Inshallah I will complete what I started.
This is not editted and completely raw  .
Hopefully I will complete this soon..

Thank you.


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