Chapter 1

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The Burning Anger

"Anger is a powerful emotion. Angry at the Right thing can make you , but at  wrong will break you."

I had never thought, even in my scariest dream that one day I will sit here and see my baby sister on a hospital bed. Streams of tears draining my face were enough to reflect my emotions.

"I can't believe they did this to her." I said, my voice hoarse . All I could think was that my sister was suffering because of me. My sister, my sweet little Awa was here on this hospital bed , buried under white sheet , all because of me.
"This is not your fault Ayra." Consoled my mother, putting a hand on my shoulder . "Those boys are getting out of hand, what happened with Awa can happen with any girl."

"I know mumma, I know, but this society we live in gives too much freedom to boys. Freedom to judge a girl by her dress, freedom to own a girl , freedom to molest her mentally and physically." I said , watching my sister on the hospital bed with bandages on her hands and head.
She is just a kid . How can someone even think of doing such harsh things to a girl 16 years old?
Just because I had rejected his proposal to become his girlfriend, he took his revenge by playing with my sister?What have this world turned into? I still remember the day I took her in my arms , I was just 5, but I felt like I was holding a part of me in my hands. I promised her, that I will always keep her save from everything. I was her godmother. Now watching her fighting for life, I feel I have broken my promise. I have disappointed her. I can't spin the time, but I will take her revenge , I will.

I will not leave him easily, I will teach him the most important lesson of his life.

I was so engrossed in my thoughts when I heard my friend calling,
"Ayra , there was a call for you from the police station. They want to start the investigation of Awa's case, but first they want your statement." Zoe completed.

Zoe was my friend since third grade, she was like my elder sister , always there for me in good and bad. Even today , when I got a call from the hospital about Awa she was the first to come with me and since then she never left my side.
She knows Awa and mumma are all I have. They are my only family.
And watching my little sister suffering because of me was the last thing I wanted.
" Sure, I am going." I replied to her and stood up from the chair.
I kissed my sister on her temple and walked towards the door.

"Ayra, I don't think it'll be good to go to police at this hour, those scoundrels might be waiting for you to make a move." The worried voice of my mother stopped me from taking a step further.
I turned around and went towards my mother. Putting both of my hands on her shoulders to calm her ,I said,
"Mum please! we can't sit here and wait for the right time, look at our angel. Did she deserved all this? I will not sit here and watch my angel suffering. I will do what I can." With that I stormed out of the room with Zoe following me.
This world is becoming more and more dangerous for girls nowadays. Unless and until we will take a step against it, they won't let us live peacefully.

"Zoe, you should go and bring these medicines from the chemist,Awa needs them urgently." I told my friend.

" I should go with you Ayra, all this happing in your life , I need to be with you."

"Zoe , I am just going around the corner, you know the police station is just a few blocks away from the hospital and it's just 8 in the evening. I'll be fine!" I squeezed her hand, which seemed to calm her down a little.
"I'll be back soon."
The moment I opened the glass door of the hospital, the winter breeze slapped me directly at the face.
Nothing can stop me now.I will do whatever I can to make them guilty of what they did.

The temperature outside was decreasing but the anger within me was burning.Ready to burn those who harmed my sister.

I started walking towards the police station.


Author's Note:

First of all I would like to thanks the Almighty and then to all my lovely readers out there!!
Thank you so much guys to give my story a chance. Thank you so much to the ones who voted and commented and thanks to my silent readers!!
Finally the chapter is out. I hope all of you will like it. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts.
I will be updating 3 times a week. Please add my book to your libraries so that you can be notify about my update.
I love comments and votes. Please vote and comment, only if you want :) :)
You guys means alot to me.
The chapter is unedited, but I have tried my best to remove the errors. Please feel free to point out the errors and help me grow!

Please make me happy by pressing the golden star.

Till the next time.
With all my love <3
Ifrah <3

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