Books Written by xiamsherlockedx

130 7 1

A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮ Name: Ashley Robertson

☮Age: 14

☮Gender: Girl

☮What got you writing?: Songs by Angels and Airwaves and Paramore

☮What genres do you like to write?! : Fantasy, Mystery with a bit of Action and Romance.

☮Do you want to become anything from writing? I would like to see my books on the selves of Waterstones but it's not my goal in life.

☮Anything coming up - If this one get's a good reception I may do a sequel.


★Title: Ripping Wings Off Butterflies

★Subtitle: -

★Summary: What would you do if people told you that the way everything looks to you isn't really what it is... if they said it all just wild hallucinations? What would you do if you thought someone you loved was trying to kill you? Gwendolyn has never seen things the same way as other people like you and me. And then she meets Rowan her heart is captivated in his palm but she's also confused by him. One day he's cocky yet charming and the next rude and rather scary. Terrifying even, enough to make her fear for her life...

★Genre: Mystery | Romance 


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