Books Written by MyBeautifulLie

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A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮Name: Bex

☮Age: 13

☮Gender: Female

☮What got you writing?!(Inspired you?!): I don't really know. It's just always been a way to escape from the world and I love being able to put my feelings into words, so writing is a way to do that.

☮What genres do you like to write?! Romance

☮Do you want to become anything from writing?!(J.K. Rowling?! Someone big like that, or just sell your story on sites?!) I would love to get published someday, but for now, this is all for fun. :)

☮Anything coming up?!(New books, Sequal?!) I don't really know. In the future I will write more books, but not just yet.


★Title: What We Were

★Subtitle: -

★Summary: Angelina is a wreck. Why? Because Joshua left her after three years of a fairytale-like relationship. Even though Joshua knew about Angelina's father and the words he always told her, he still left her. And now... she needs to know the reason why.

★Genre: Romance and Teen Fiction.


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