Books Written by KirstieH

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A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮Name: Kirstie

☮Age: 16

☮Gender: Female

☮What got you writing?!(Inspired you?!): I guess just reading a lot. I've never really liked reading but when I was a kid I used to write short stories about weird things and I love using my imagination for things. It's kind of a way to get away from everything so I started writing and really loved it. I think it's just a place of your own where you can make the story whatever you want. I love it :)

☮What genres do you like to write?! I like teen fiction a lot because it's all drama but I also write weird stuff like vampires and ultimate universes I've only recently started writing teen fiction so mostly I write fantasy stuff :)

☮Do you want to become anything from writing?! well mostly I just want to publish a book ! But I think I want to be a script writer so I can write all the time ! :)

☮Anything coming up?!well I've got another story called "trapped" it's fantasy and i haven't exactly finished it yet but if you want to have a crack at it it's on my profile :) its not finished yet as I'm still writing Someone Like You but once I finish that's what I'll be writing next :)


★Title: Someone Like You

★Subtitle: -

★Summary: He raised his eyebrows at me. “Jealously can be a powerful tool Allison. The only question is how far you will go for your lover boy?” “Fine.” I whispered, “But were not doing this your way, were doing this my way.” He's a player, he's hot and he's stubborn. Everyone knows it- especially him. Shes never been kissed, she's unnoticed and she's shy- no one knows her. They've never met. Not until a fatal accident where this hot player takes a strange fascination in Alley. Now Alley can't seem to shake off Caleb Conner's as the pair become unlikely best friends. The only problem is Melanie Casio. Caleb's typical, disloyal backstabber of a girlfriend. Alley knows just how much better Caleb can do and Melanie knows just how desperately Alley is falling for him. A story of Love, Jealously, Betrayal and the ultimate Payback. Only one girl can have the perfect Caleb Conner's and it's a full blown war.

★Genre: Teen Fiction


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