Books Written by skinandbonesx

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A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮Name: Danielle

☮Age: 21

☮Gender: Female

☮What got you writing?!: I’ve been writing for years. I used to have a Language Arts teacher that was kind of a horrible teacher, he didn’t teach us anything and instead just got us to write stories and present them. Although I really dislike him for his neglect to our education, but I do have to admit that if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have realized my passion for writing.

☮What genres do you like to write?!: I like everything, as long as its a little darker. If it’s a romance it has to be dramatic and filled with betrayal and tragedy. Thrillers and dramas are often my cup of team, and I like death and murder as well as psychological problems as subjects. I also really like paranormal subjects, and love to bring in mythology and legends into my stories.

☮Do you want to become anything from writing?!: I do want to be a writer as my career, but I’m not really looking for fame. I just want to make some money off of it, enough that I can live doing something I love as my job.

☮Anything coming up?!: I have a new idea in the works, but nothing is set in stone yet. Just some ideas I’m tossing around in my head. Hopefully I’ll turn it into something.


★Title: The Followers

★Subtitle: -

★Summary: Kamila is a victim to her own mind. After the sudden death of her mother, she finds her world completely upside down and filled with the dark shadows of her own sub-conscious. As a last resort at finding something familiar, Kamila visits her father in Sweden, but soon realizes that she can’t simply outrun demons that reside in her own mind. Things become even worse when Kamila witnesses a murder the night of her arrival, and the culprit begins to haunt not only her dreams, but her waking moments as well. Struggling with intense night terrors and episodes of insomnia and paranoia, Kamila begans to find it harder and harder to keep a grip on what is reality and what isn’t. Once she thinks things can't get possibly get any worse, she starts piecing her dreams and memories together and soon finds out that the murderous stalker is not anything he seems to be…

★Genre: Paranormal | Thriller


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