Books Written by ilovemyrockinlife26

127 11 1

A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮Name: ilovemyrockinlife26

☮Age: I'd prefer not to reveal this one!

☮Gender: Female

☮What got you writing?!(Inspired You?!): The guy I used to like...

☮What genres do you like to write?!  Well, I guess Teen Fiction with a hint of Romance.

☮Do you want to become anything from writing?: Well, not really... 

☮Anything coming up?! I am thinking of a sequel for this one but I thing it's too early to plan on it...


 ★Title: Warriors

 ★Subtitle: -

 ★Summary: Lioness is an average teenage girl. Or it looks like she is. Her life is complicated and it even turns more awkward when she receives and unexpected apology from a person she feels hatred and lust. She sees her dreams coming alive. But will she manage to make them true? Or will they remain her unfulfilled wishes?

 ★Genre: Teen Fiction | Romance


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