Books Written by MelomaneBookworm

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A b o u t. T h e. A u t h o r :

☮Name: Nics aka MelomaneBookworm

☮Age: 15

☮Gender: Female

☮What got you writing?!(Inspired you?!): I've always been drawn to books, I read most of the time be it when I'm bored or when I just have free time

☮What genres do you like to write? Romance, Teen, Fantasy

☮Do you want to become anything from writing?!(J.K. Rowling?! Someone big like that, or just sell your story on sites?!) of course I do, I would want one of my books to be named a best seller haha but hey it's not bad to dream big. who knows it might just happen. :)

☮Anything coming up?!(New books, Sequal?!) yes, I am thinking of writing a fantasy/adventure book soon enough.


★Title: Society Killed the Teenager

★Subtitle: -

★Summary: My life was perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more, okay maybe I do wish to own the Christian Louboutin pumps that I saw from a magazine but, I'll get to that later. If there is a "later". I had everything that I wanted, a family, a luxurious life. I was continuously spoiled by my parents, but everything went crashing down when my mom died on that accident. I was so overcome by grief that all I did was ruin my very being. I drank until I didn't know who I was. I slept all day, and partied all night. I didn't go to school, sometimes I'd wake up in the arms of some guy that I didn't even know. When a tragic accident snaps me back to reality, I couldn't help but blame myself. I hated every single part of me. When I walk down the street, when people recognize who I was, they'd whisper things about me. Slut. Rebellious Teen. Drunkard. The grief-stricken daughter of Conner Daley Sparks, one of the richest men in the country. They'd say I was as cruel as my father, the girl who used money to get what she wants. Yes they were right, and I hated them for that. But I willed out strength from all the words that they said about me. Every accusation, every thing that they spat at my face made me inch the knife closer to my wrist. My heart was beating fast, beads of sweat rolled down my body. It was now or never. I felt the cold metal pierce my skin, and I gasped in pain. I cut myself again, going deeper this time then the blood oozed out of the cut.This was it, a few more seconds and I'll be free. I'll finally be good as dead. When the darkness came over me, I gladly accepted its hand.

★Genre: Teen Fiction/ Romance


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