9-Rex's perspective.

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Chapter 9

I was grumpy and bed ridden.

“I’m pretty sure I saw all that” I told myself.

“Where are you Joseph?”

“Are you okay?” Rex asked with concern.

“Yeah I’m fine” I grumbled and scampered out into the bigger garden. I passed the flower covered arc which led to the larger gardens. Unfortunately I tripped. But I chose to lay there. I had no energy left. And I had a lot to reflect upon. I can’t believe it. I’m sure I wasn’t dreaming. But then that makes Ms. Rose my sister. Doesn’t it?


Then she just dashed off. Something is definitely up with her. It isn’t like her to act that way. I think I should just keep clear. That wretched Jasper is on the loose too. I extremely hate him. How did we ever end up getting related to each other?

I have to protect Violet or those filthy animals will take her away, like they took him away. I think I should go upstairs. The dust is beginning to form I wonder when are the servants coming back from their vacation anyway. I struggled and got up on the open deck. I really like isolation on the roof. I closed my eyes and meditated.

“Hey Rex”

“What are you doing here?” I looked him straight in the eye. My anger boiling inside me at the very sight of him, I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth. Keep calm. Keep calm.

“Just paying my old bro a visit” Jasper sat beside me.

“What do you want?”

“Don’t be so cold Rex, give your brother a good welcome at least” he mocked.

 “I miss Ma’s cakes” he said gloomily.

“Ha how would you know that? We both we both were fugitive twins remember? If I don’t remember, you won’t either”

“You dimwit I’m telling you, they washed your memory” he reacted.

A cool summer breeze swept us.

“I don’t have time for your nonsense” although I was convinced there was some truth in his words. But how could I be brainwashed. He must be lying, our parents died long ago.

“I didn’t come to argue. You’ll find out sooner or later. I came to tell you that we are going to take that pretty little Violet real soon and you won’t be able to do a thing about it.”

“Why do you want her?”  A purple butterfly dazzled around him.

“Why do you care for her?” he raised an eyebrow. Uneasiness grabbed hold of me.

“Don’t you know she is the child from the book?”

“How do you know...?”

“You know what that means? She has that power inside her. She has a choice to put an end to the reapers. She can enter Misty waters! What’s worse, she’ll be unstoppable when she learns the truth of herself.” He burst.

I couldn’t picture Violet Riding a wild gold thing. All I could imagine was, someone clumsily tripping on their face as they accidentally ripped a chunk of fur while trying to mounting on the beast. Okay so I’m beat. I find it hard to believe him.


“Hey what’s so funny?”

“Um… Violet doesn’t really fit the picture Jasper.”

“Ugh. That’s the point! It’s always the person you least expect for murder!” he swung his fists in the air.

“All I’m saying is I came to warn you. Don’t stand in our way. I already told you she’s dangerous and you are going out of your way to make things clear to her. Just stop. We are going to get reunited once we’re done… killing her”

“I’ll see you try that. You just don’t see how badly you are going to get used Jasper.”

He grumbled and vanished into the dark shadows. I just don’t understand him. Truthfully I don’t understand myself either. My past is unclear and I really don’t remember anything about my parents. So I can’t really accuse jasper of lying. What if…He is right? What if Sunny’s father gave me something that wiped my memory? Then again I found out Jasper was my brother through an accident too.

It was that unfortunate time when I thought I saw him, as a boy in the house roaming around the house motioning, his hand for me to follow him. He came in my dreams and in my vision when I was awake. Until one day I saw a weird book lying in dust with…with my life written in it. I only read till the part of Jasper being my brother when I fainted. The next day I saw jasper for real only older. He knew, that we were related. I never found that book again. But since then we are actually enemies.

I leaned over and saw Violet lying in the now filled with weed garden. She kept playing with her hands and muttering something to herself. Yeah she can’t be part of the picture. She’s too…. Innocent.


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