Chapter 13- Investigating

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Chapter 13- Investigating

I woke up to be hit by a doubly strong feeling of guilt, because I had not only acted stupidly last night and angered my friends (except one), but also on that fateful day months ago when I made that stupid agreement and chose not to tell Dean the truth. I swallowed with my eyes closed in concentration as I attempted to shift the lump in my throat and the sick feeling in my stomach.

Then I remembered Toms text and hurriedly got ready, wanting desperately to look presentable. Ironically, it seemed I'd only just prepared myself in time because a soft knock at the door announced his arrival. I tried not to roll my eyes at myself when I looked at the clock. Of course he would be here it was after 12 o'clock in the afternoon!

I opened the door to let him in and immediately felt inadequate. Why did he have to look like a bloody supermodel all the time? He smiled at me as I stepped back to let him in.

We stared at each other for a minute, a bubble of tension growing between us from the silence. Then he laughed:

"Hi" Tom said and I detected the laughter lingering in his tone.

"Hey" I replied awkwardly, unsure how to act around him. He looked amused at my non-commital response.

"Do you want a drink or something?" I offered unwillingly, too lazy to be a good hostess.

"Yes please. Are you home alone?" Tom asked sounding concerned, which confused me.

"Come on then. Kitchen" I indicated and walked towards the door.

"I woke up late and they were already gone. They like to do their own thing" I explained, hoping I wasn't rambling. Thankfully he nodded.

"Do you want to watch a film or something? Really you should be suggesting something to do since you so rudely forced your company on me" I teased lightly, trying to lighten the mood.

"Forced? Rudely? You know you love me Maddy" He smirked cockily.

"Oh Tom am I that obvious?" I joked, rolling my eyes at his over confidence. I sighed dramatically and placed a hand over my heart.

"Yes and I'm getting tired of you pining after me. I mean I know I'm gorgeous..." He didn't finish that sentence: my sharp slap to his arm cut him off.

"Pining after you? You really are delusional." I scoffed, hoping he was joking. He snaked an arm around my shoulders and played with my hair.

"You weren't saying that when you kissed me the other day" He whispered in my ear, I shivered involuntarily. He had me there, but that didn't mean I didn't regret it. 

"Let's just watch the film. You can't keep trying to get in my pants all day long." I murmured shortly.

"I don't know, I could give it a go" I flicked his forehead.

"Has anyone ever told you you're a very violent person?" He groaned, rubbing his forehead with a small pout playing across his lips.

"A couple of times. You deserved that one though." I smiled playfully and Tom inclined his head slightly and grumbled, acknowledging the truth of my words.

"Fine what are we watching?" He looked at me expectantly.

"How about the 'dark knight rises'?" I offered. His eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"What? Didn't think I'd like that sort of thing?" I said in low voice. Instantly he backtracked:

"Nope, let's watch that. Please don't hit me" He held his hands up and I couldn't help but laugh at the puppy dog expression on his face. Why was it all so easy with Tom? It made it harder to push him away. He checked his phone while I put the disc in and a plan formulated itself in my mind.

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