Chapter 31- When one door closes...

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Chapter 31- When one door closes...


As soon as I left the restaurant I felt foolish. It wasn't Nick's fault that his ex-girlfriend happened to be at the next table, but he hadn't exactly helped the situation by accepting her offer to sit with them.

Nick and his girlfriend had been too busy reminiscing old times to even notice they were neglecting us. To think, I had actually been having a good time with him before we had entered the restaurant, but that had all gone out of the window when she had arrived. Nick had introduced her as Laura, and when it finally became evident that she had forgotten his presence completely, her date introduced himself as Alex.

She was beautiful of course, sickeningly so. She was tall, where I was small and curvy while I was flat chested. Her wide green eyes appeared both seductive and innocent simultaneously. This would all have been fine, except for the way Nick's eyes had lit up when she had waved from the nearest table upon our arrival.

I remembered vividly the moment I had finally had enough:

"Do you remember that time when you got so drunk I had to carry you home?" Nick asked, body angled towards her.

"When you hit my head on the doorbell as you came in and work everybody up!" She cried, laughing delightedly at the memory.

I rolled my eyes at them, sipping my drink absentmindedly. I looked across the table at Alex and saw my own annoyance and embarrassment reflected in his eyes. It had been half an hour and the staff hadn't even come to take our order yet, so there wasn't even the relief of discussing our orders collectively.

"I'm just going to the toilet" I said quietly and they didn't even bother to look up. They looked at each other like they were the only people in the room.

They chattered away non-sensically, not paying attention to anyone else.

My face burned bright red in humiliation and I wondered why I had even bothered to come today. Why had I entertained the idea that Nick Flynn would ever be interested in me for more than five minutes? I shot a look to Alex to find him looking down at his phone, feigning disinterest, but his clenched hands gave him away. He was as angry as I was.

As loudly as I could, I picked up my bag and pulled my jacket on. I slammed some change on the table and walked out without another word. I glanced back and was glad to see them all staring after me in surprise. How had they even the cheek to be surprised? Alex on the other hand, was grinning from ear to ear in something like pride. Like he found it extremely amusing that I had summoned up the courage to walk out.

I watched through the window with undisguised glee as he stood up and did just as I had done. He simply pulled on his jacket and ignoring the dumbfounded expression on Laura's annoyingly pretty face, left them sitting on the table alone.

Well that was exactly what they'd wanted wasn't it?

So here I was, sat in the middle of town without a coat or clear way as to how I was going to get home. A single tear left my eye, running unregulated down my cheek. The embarrassed, hurt part of me told me I had been stupid to think Nick Flynn would ever like me, but there was a small part of me that didn't feel anything. Not a thing. Maddy was right, what was wrong with me? Why wasn't I more distraught that the boy I had liked consistently for over two years, had acted like a complete dickhead?

In my peripheral vision, I see someone tall coming towards me. His dark hair was curled and untidy and his eyes were an intense dark grey that was extremely familiar. He was good looking, in the typical tall, dark and handsome sort of way. But not in a Nick Flynn way, which was exactly what I wanted right now.

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