Chapter 32- Marked

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Chapter 32- Marked

Being discharged without Greg beside me didn't only take all of the happiness out of it, it felt wrong that he wasn't with me in the car as we drove home. Mum and Dad seemed to sparkle with happiness the entire way home, whilst my own bad mood felt like a raincloud hovering above my head.

"I'm going to go and lie down" I excused, feeling pathetic.

"Alright sweetheart, call me if you need anything" Mum said.

Dad eyed me with concern, and planted a kiss on my forehead. That was his way of showing he cared, no words were needed.

Slumping down on my bed, it took me a minute to fully register how empty my room felt without a certain boy lounging around in it. God, I really couldn't deal with being alone could I? 

I picked up my phone and rang the only person that would probably cheer me up right now, apart from the obvious of course. 

"It's weird without you here" I said down the phone. 

There was a rumbling chuckle. "It's even weirder for me being at home, my bed isn't as comfy as yours" He complained. 

"How's your mum?" I asked boldly, because we both knew he was avoiding the issue. 

"I was wondering when you were going to get to that" He said teasingly.

"Dean" I said warningly. 

He sighed. "She's treating me like a complete ticking time bomb. She keeps looking at me weirdly whenever I say something remotely sarcastic. It's fucking annoying to be perfectly honest" He ranted. 

I smiled. "She apologised though, right?" I asked. 

He groaned. "She won't stop apologising Mad, it's exhausting" He said. 

That made me laugh and I was glad I was alone because I couldn't hold back a wince of pain. My ribs still complained every time I laughed too hard, but I wasn't admitting that to anyone else. 

"Well you could always come back" I offered wholeheartedly. 

"It's not the same now though Mad. I'd have to play gooseberry whenever lover boy came round" He said sadly and I frowned instantly. I hadn't thought of it like that. It surprised me how sad I felt that we couldn't be friends the same way we had before. I had Greg and he had Lily. 

"Not if you brought Lily too" I said and I could hear the smile in his voice as he replied. 

"I can't run away from my problems anymore Mad" He said wistfully. 

"Well that's very mature of you" I said approvingly, surprised despite myself. 

He burst into laughter. "Thanks for the seal of approval mum" He retorted mockingly. 

"Shut up" I said tiredly. 

"You sound tired?" He noted.

"I'm fine" I said quickly. "What are you doing tomorrow?" I asked to change the subject. 

"Lily and I have the house to ourselves" He said and I though I wasn't a prude, I wrinkled my nose anyway. 

"Hmmm I really don't need to know what that entails" I said and the words came out garbled and confused. 

His laugh sounded faint before he replied. "You sound like you're dead on your feet Mad, I'll see you tomorrow at some point, okay?" He said. 

"Hmmmm" I agreed, eyelids drooping slightly. 

"Night Maddy" He said, laughter colouring his tone. 

"Night" I said, managing to hang up the call just in time before I drifted off. 

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