Chapter 15- Playing the Good Guy (pt. 2)

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Chapter 15- Playing the Good Guy (pt. 2)

The house was pounding, people visible and audible as soon as we steered into the road. Parking down the road in what seemed like a safe place; I pulled Tom out of the car and locked it over my shoulder. Once we were in the house, I instantly knew we should have come earlier because I wasn't drunk enough to deal with this scale of underage drinking when I couldn't join in myself.

I shook off the negative feeling and grinned as I lead Tom to the kitchen.

"Alright Greg?" A male voice shouted from across the room. I turned my head in reply smiling to see it was Dom:

"Hey Dom" I said. "Mel alright?" I asked casually.

"I've been weaning her off the vodka for the last hour. But she'd already drank loads before I got here I'm afraid" He said guiltily.

"Don't worry about it, you can only do your best" I replied kindly. I knew what she was like, that there was no stopping her when she got going. So I appreciated how much Dom looked out for her.

"Is Mad alright?" I asked, sipping my can to appear offhand and distracted. He frowned, eyes scanning the adjoining room for her and coming up with nothing. In the crowd I spotted Ana and Mel, and Tom talking to a girl I didn't know.

"Now you say it, I haven't seen her in a while" Dom said. For some reason, something felt wrong. Off and out of place. Dom said something else which seemed unintelligible. I walked away from him and into the unfamiliar house. It hit me just how little I knew about this party. I didn't even know the person, let alone who their friends were.

I checked all the rooms and found them empty, well apart from one. When I walked in the couple burst apart, staring at the interruption. Despite my worry, I found myself grinning at them:

"Sorry, I was looking for someone" I said, laughing. The girl scowled, but the boy appeared mildly amused, nodding at me in acknowledgment. For her reaction alone, I added:

"Carry on"

I pulled the door behind me, catching a glimpse of the dark look she gave me as I did so. The hallway was dark and eerie, seemingly empty. Lin couldn't be out here, I thought, shaking my head at my foolishness. I turned on my heel and walked back towards where I'd come from when I heard her scream. The sound unnerved me like nothing else I'd ever heard: it was a panicked, desperate sound.

I ran towards the sound and didn't process anything except her words echoing down the hallway:

"No!" She shouted. "Stop it" I came round the corner and saw her pinned against the wall by a thin, pale boy who I didn't recognize. He smothered her pleas with his lips and I watched in horror as she pushed him in vain to get him off of her. My blood boiled as he ran his hands over her body, knowing she could do nothing to stop him. I began breathing fast and hard, anger threatening to overwhelm me. And overwhelm it did.

I tore him away from her and threw him on the ground, hard. I clenched my fist and straddled him. I punched him, enjoying the moan of pain that escaped his lips.

"Didn't you hear the girl?" I murmured in a low voice, filled with venom and suppressed fury. I hit him again, square in the jaw, and his head rolled backwards, eyes disorientated.

"She said no, didn't you get that?" I shouted, the repulsiveness of his actions making me feel physically ill. How dare he even think about hurting a girl like that? Again and again I hit him, not caring that he was losing consciousness or that his nose was bleeding so much that it must have been broken. I wanted him to die for the pain he had inflicted on her. He groaned pathetically, not even bothering to shield my punches with his hands anymore. My knuckles were complaining intensely at the strain, but all I saw was a red haze. The anger had taken over me, body and soul.

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