Chapter 18- Undercover

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Chapter 18- Undercover

"Hey Maddy!" Tom called to me as I walked towards the student car park. I stopped instantly at the sound of his voice and turned to smile at him, hoping I appeared normal. He walked towards me until he was level with me, and smiled apologetically.

"I'm really sorry I had to leave yesterday" He said and I shrugged easily, like it was nothing.

"Don't worry" I replied immediately.

"No you were actually telling me something and I just left" He grimaced.

"Really don't worry about it." I assured him with a small smile.

"Are you busy now?" He asked quickly, his eyes filled with hope. I held back a grimace since I already had plans.

"Not exactly" I replied vaguely. He opened his mouth to reply, but was cut off by his phone ringing. He looked at the caller ID and frowned deeply, his face losing its colour. I knew it was the same person without having to ask and whoever it was Tom was afraid of them. He rejected the call, much to my surprise.

"Not exactly?" He hedged. I looked up at him awkwardly, torn between telling him he could not come over or asking him to join me, Dean and Ana and risk a potentially weird situation.

"Well...." I started, when Tom's phone beeped, indicating a text. He frowned deeply, but still looked at it.

"Maddy I'm sorry, but I've got to go. Let me make it up to you?" Tom said and I nodded tiredly.

"Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, ok?" He said, I forced a smile and he gave me a kiss on the cheek before heading towards his car. It was now or never. If I wanted to find out more, I had to do it now.

When he was out of sight, I jogged towards Dean's car. I clambered in like I was escaping the scene of the crime and yelled to the two of them.

"Dean, follow that car!" Dean looked at me with raised eyebrows and a half amused, half freaked out expression that told me he was questioning my sanity.

"Are you joking?" Dean exclaimed.

"No! Look I know I sound crazy, but follow that car. It's important" I explained hurriedly. Dean raised his eyebrows,if possible, even higher. He studied me for a minute, before he turned the key and reversed out of the parking spot with lightning speed.

"Dean why are you listening to this crazy lady?" Ana shrieked shrilly.

"Trust her Ana, she's going to explain it all to us, right Mad?" Dean looked at me for conformation.

"Of course, you both need to cool the jets" I said trying to lighten the mood. Ana was staring at me like I'd gone completely insane, but the corners of Dean's lips twitched as he fought a smile.

I kept my eyes on the road, eyes tracing the movement of Tom's blue Renault as it manoeuvred two cars ahead of us.

"Left! Dean, go left" I ordered and he obliged. I could sense Ana's nervous energy buzzing erratically in the back seat from all the unspoken questions she was thinking up.

"Maddy, that's Tom's car isn't it?" She said in a low voice and my stomach dropped. I had hoped to have this conversation later.

"Yes" I sighed, she stared out the window, deep in thought. Probably trying to figure out what on earth was going on. If only I understood enough to explain.

Dean turned right at the roundabout, eyed glued to the movement of the small blue car up ahead. I almost didn't want to distract him: he seemed to be in the zone. I looked out the window to see the familiar buildings on the edge of town, I hoped we weren't headed where I thought we were. The car was silent as we twisted and turned through unfamiliar, previously unknown streets.

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