Chapter 20- Evasive

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Chapter 20- Evasive

"Are you going to talk to him, then?" Dean said.

"I can't pretend like everything's normal. I just don't know what to say" I said sharply, as the subject had been on my mind all morning. I had hardly slept for thinking about what I could say to him. To top it off, there was also the possibility Mel might talk to me and I didn't know if I could deal with that much stress.

"Don't blurt out everything straight away, you need to be careful. We don't know how involved in all this he is" He advised.

"Tom would never hurt me" I defended him. Dean raised his eyebrows questioningly, perhaps wondering why I was sticking up for him. I wasn't sure of that myself.

"Hey Dean?" He looked over at me from the drivers seat with a playful smirk.

"Yeah Mad?" He urged.

"How's Dom?" I asked timidly, it had taken all my strength not to ask Dean everyday since the argument how he was, if he was still mad at me, but I refrained for two reasons a) Dean would get bored of me asking all the time and b) I was trying to give him space and if Dean told me how sad I knew he probably was: I wouldn't have been able to stop myself getting involved.

"He hasn't made a sarcastic comment since the argument and I think I'm getting withdrawal symptoms" Dean joked and I snorted through my sadness.

"Has he said anything about Mel?" I asked subtly.

"Not exactly,but I have a theory" Dean hinted. My eyes shot to his instantly.

"So do I, willing to share?" I responded.

"Nope" He stated simply and I scowled. Tease. I got out of the car and considered my options.

I walked to class in a state of deep thought, all I could think about was if I was going to see Tom and if I did: what on earth was I going to say? Dean was being no help, he was maintaining that I didn't know anything for sure and that I should just leave it as it was. Let sleeping dogs lie, he said. He didn't understand that I couldn't leave it alone. I needed to know the truth, but I had to admit I clung to the new knowledge like a lifetime. It was like the last final link I had to him. That Greg hadn't wanted to leave us, but that someone had forced him to.

I was walking to lesson when I saw Mel in the distance . I managed a small smile, though I had to admit the smile felt unnatural and strained on my face today. She didn't smile, in fact her she made no reaction, but I thought it progress she didn't glare at me. Mel wasn't the sort of person to beat around the bush about things, if she was angry with you: there was no way you wouldn't know. She carried on walking without another word. My heart contracted painfully as I watched her go.


I sensed his approach, recognising it was him from the assured pattern of his footsteps, but I didn't look around. I wanted to see whether he would pretend like nothing had happened. He sat down beside me and I lost hope of not having this conversation. 

"Are you going to talk to me?" Tom asked in a frustrated voice, but I noticed the frantic look in his eyes. Like it really mattered to him what I was feeling- why did it all have to be lies?

"Yes" I replied shortly, but said nothing further: I was waiting for him to make the first step. He looked unsure of what to say, but then I how would you explain that all you'd done for months was lie to everyone.

"I need to know how much you heard" He urged and I was almost tempted to tell him nothing, but the want for information overrode me.

"I heard enough" I spat. He nodded seeming to expect this response, but his eyes tightened slightly.

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