Chapter 1 Exile

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Hey! This is a little story of mine I came up with. I did not copy anyone's work, and I hope no one steals my idea. I am going to work hard on this, and whoever reads it I hope will enjoy it.

Most characters in this are from Marvel.

This first chapter takes place after The Avengers, somewhere after Loki had faked his death and spent time as Odin.

It was a bright morning, the sun was about to rise, the people walked through the streets. For the brown-haired woman in a trench coat, it was absolutely perfect. She ambled through the busy gold street of Asgard's market place, head down, way out of place, typing on a floating blue square while dodging people in armor of all colors. A small smile rested on her face, and a new bracelet of silver hung from her wrist, a gift from her closest friend.

She passed through the bustling Asgardians, only like a stray wind as she brushed against the crowd. No one saw her, for she was invisible to them all, literally. Her brown hair caught the wind as she kept her eyes down, the silken locks framing her face as they settled. The woman was gorgeous, even angelic, one might say.

The brown-haired woman soon arrived at her destination: the massive, towering doors of gold that served as entry to Asgard's glimmering castle. She placed one foot on the steps, then stopped, typed something, and swiftly sidestepped. Just in time.

One, two, BAM!

The gold doors of the palace where thrown open, an unarmored-and-staffless-Loki was sent flying out. The asgardian went rolling down the steps, and landing at the bottom with an unpleasant 'thunk'.

"You crossed the line brother!" Thor shouted, the wind tossing his golden hair back dramatically as he stepped out of the palace. His whole figure shone with authority, eyes locked on Loki, hammer in hand.

"Great." The brunette muttered sarcastically, running her hand though her hair as the wind whipped it around. No one heard her, of course, and the smile she had previously held now traded for a small frown. "What did you do this time?"

This woman was Loki's angel. Her name is Fall. And, clearly, the poor angel could not leave Loki's side for ten minutes without something happening!

"I was meant to rule!" Loki shouted defiantly, sitting up. The trip down the stairs left him hurt, but pain would not stop the trickster.

"No, brother, you where suppose to be a part of our family. We thought you dead several times!" Thor roared, his shining armor catching the first rays of light to grace Asgard's streets. "Then you ruined all possibility of living here! By sitting on the throne! Now you have had enough chances. Father and I have decided, we are going send you to Earth, to learn as I have."

"So I may rule them? Crush everything you hold dear?" Loki snarled, angry beyond belief, acting like a kicked wolf.

"Shut up, Loki." Fall urged, sitting down on her knees by her charge. "Don't get us booted from here. Again." Unfortunately, Loki could not hear her, so she stayed beside him as the judgement was passed.

The God of Thunder turned away, and within a blink, two guards had grabbed Loki. They pulled him along, Loki's lip bleeding and his bruised forehead the only visible injuries. His eyes were still focused on Thor, who turned away, and left back into the castle.

The crowds people booed and hissed as Loki was dragged by, the trickster seemingly defenseless, and out of strategy between the two mountainous guards. The people spared him no grievance as he was taken through the crowd, not one missing the chance to sneer at the infamous adopted son of Odin. 

Fall trailed behind quickly, shoving another angel who had been scowling at Loki's passing. She followed with her head tilted high, having dagger-glares put to her back, and Loki could feel the same. They were equals- or, in their shared infamy at least.

The angel was perfectly use to this treatment now. When Loki screws up, she gets blamed, and consequently, nearly everyone in Asgard hated the duo. Now Thor was sending Loki to Earth. For the second time.

"Great job Loki, here we go again." Fall remarked, typing something hurriedly on her blue floating square that had been trailing behind her. The pad turned off and she flicked it away, the device disappearing.

They walked across the rainbow bridge, guards now numbering four to one, and a new face mask and cuffs was forced on Loki.

Loki looked up at the sky, defiant and agitated, and the brown hair girl shook her head.

Loki lived a hard life, and here he was. Being tossed to Earth, yet again.

This woman had always been there, watching him and aging like him, going through the horrors he had seen, protecting him, even when he acted the way he did. Loki had even hit her once, with the tessaract. Without realizing it, he had seen her, a look of surprise flashing on his face.

She remembered that, mainly because that was the first time she ever felt physical pain, and, the first and most likely the only time, he ever saw her. The look in his eyes bought her gaze to his face as they did a near death-row march towards the Bifrost. The effects of the tesseract hitting her still lingered, though she wondered if he remembered her.

The newest guard for the Bifrost nodded at her as they passed, one of the only beings who could see her. The man was cocky, but respectful to the angels. Fall liked him. All the guards thought he was nodding at them and they nodded back, and took their stations in the Bifrost chamber, unaware of the ever-present third party.

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