Chapter 39 - Paranoia

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Dinner went well.... Well, if you call two all out weapon fights, one between Bucky and Natasha and then another over the last of the lasagna between Clint and Thor, and two hug wars, yea.... It was pretty awesome. Then again, life for Avengers was bound to be like that.

Fall was reeeeaaally happy! But, no details get to go to the readers. Everyone was leaving the table, Bucky laughing with Steve as he led him away to a vacant room, the gama scientist and the billionaire playboy philanthropist went off who knows where, and Loki and Thor were going to go fight on the roof.... So Fall was left to the dishes. She didn't mind. In fact, she enjoyed the little peace and quiet....

She glanced out a window at the lights of the city surrounding her. This was a sight you couldn't see in Asguard. Something in the window caught her eye. A glimpse of a girl that looked like her.

She gasped and spun around, fearing her sister was behind her.... Only to find nothing there.

Rise had been captured the last she knew.... then taken somewhere far, far away. Fall shook her head before working on the dishes again, her mind clouded with thoughts of her sister....

"Fall?" Loki questioned, wrapping his arms around her and hugging her. "What troubles you?" He asked lovingly.

"Huh? Oh, I was just thinking about when me and Rise were littler...." Fall told him, wiping away the tears that had slid down her face unnoticed. "She and I where the tightest then. You could hardly find us anywhere without the other."

Loki hugged her tighter, lost in thought as they stood there.... Thinking. Remembering conquests or good times, lost family or friends.... And regrets.

Until Bucky walked in for a glass of water. He walked in and stood in the door way, unnoticed until Fall looked his way and noticed him. She slipped out of Loki's arms and filled a glass for him before pushing him quietly back to his room, the evening hour upon the tower and the only sounds being either muted by some of the soundproof walls or the him of the tower.

"Night Bucky." She said, smiling as he headed into his room before heading towards her own. A freezing cold feeling came out of nowhere and hit Fall, and she rubbed her arms before walking to her and Loki's room, quickly changing and then crawling into bed, where she was pulled into her lover's warm embrace.

A shadow passed in the corner of her eye and she shook it off as her own paranoia before shutting her eyes and falling into a fitful sleep.

(Oh, your gonna hate me soon~ If you understand this reference, then good: I shall be Hussie and Moffat's best friend with this story...*Tears of pride from them in the background*)

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