Chapter 10 Dawn's Light

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Near morning, Fall pushed her sheets off her, being tired but not letting fatigue show. As she stood up and stretched, nothing seemed to bother her, except for the bareness of the room she was in, and the lack of her ward.

Fall looked around her little white room, the bed with white sheets, a white dresser by the door, and all white suffocating her. She took a deep breath, hating how cold the room was. She hated how the white carpet curled under her feet, and she hated the room, but went to the dresser anyways.

Fall opened a bottom drawer and poured some sand into a silver bowl for Runt. "Morning buddy, how are you doing?" She asked the little beast, who climbed out from under the bed eagerly. Runt only purred in response and devoured his sand, before retreating back under the bed afterwards.

Walking over to the door and walking out to the hall, Fall stood still in white PJs and trench coat, her hair frizzed, and feet reluctant to take her anywhere. She looked like a floating outfit to everyone walking by, and received some amazed looks from agents. Those looks were accompanied some scornful glares from other angels, who avoided Fall as if she was diseased. Without fail, Fall returned every look, glare or not, keeping her cool and her face expressionless.

Soon enough, Fall swung into the Avengers meeting room, grabbing a muffin from a bowl in the center of the table. She sat down by a window, glancing out over the vast dark expanse of water the HQ had landed in. The sun had not rose yet, though it would soon, for the clouds were lightening as the very first rays hit them.

Fall watched and ate her muffin as the world went on. She relished the taste of something that seemed so forbidden until now, a chocolate muffin, sinfully sweet. When she finished the muffin, Fall wiped the crumbs off her face, and then tossed the wrapper into the trash. She scored it in, of course, before looking back out the window and slumping back in her chair.

Soon, Loki walked in, grabbing a muffin and sitting down across from Fall, though not seeing her. He looked as if he was pondering while he ate the muffin, and Fall looked out the window with him. They were quiet, watching as the sun rose. The light broke the surface of the ocean far below them, and illuminated everything with an early pink light.

When Fall turned to Loki, she realized he was starting at her. A shocked expression was etched on his face.

"Who are you?" Loki demanded immediately, dropping his muffin as he shot up out of his chair. "I have seen you before! Have you followed me here?"

For a moment, Fall looked around the room, thinking there must be someone behind her. There was a moment of denial, a moment where she could not believe this was happening. Loki was seeing Fall!

"I'm talking to you. Now answer me! Who are you? Why are you here?" Loki raised his voice, still looking directly at Fall. The angel held her breath as she finally realized what was happening.

"You can see me?" She asked, dumbfounded, breathless.

"Yes, of course I can see you! And I demand to know who you are!" Loki insisted, voice holding no rage, only profound confusion.

The extra miracle! Fall suddenly thought of that one possible cause, her eyes widening.

"You can see me! And hear me!" She smiled and jumped up with new energy, walking around the room to Loki. "I'm visible! You can actually see me! Loki, you have no clue how long I wanted to meet you!" Fall babbled, shifting foot to foot with her newfound excitement, before moving forwards to Loki. She clasped his hands with hers, refraining from skipping in a circle around him.

"I am Fall! Hi! I cannot believe this! I'm visible! Really, actually, visible!" Fall enthused, then suddenly hugged Loki in her excitement.

"Excuse me, am I interrupting something?" Natasha questioned, walking in the room, seeing Loki and Fall.

"Oh, sorry!" Fall exclaimed, backing away from Loki and patting a few crumbs from her shirt. She quickly offered her hand to Natasha. "I'm Fall, the angel, and it is nice to meet you! Well, we already know each other but today, I am visible!" Fall spoke with rushed excitement, shaking Natasha's hand.

"So you are Fall? It's cool I can see you." Natasha nodded to the woman, looking over Fall. The angel became aware her hair was like a bird's nest, she was still in her PJs, and wing-hiding trench coat covered her- but she still did not let that dampen her mood.

"Yes! This is great! You can hear me too!" Fall laughed, a happy laugh, a relieved laugh. She looked over at Loki who was starring at her, apparently still confused.

"Oh, sorry Loki, Natasha, I should explain why I'm visible." Fall looked between the two, "I have miracles everyday that protect Loki, and I always get an exact amount, until yesterday. Yesterday, I added one miracle to the count. I never used that miracle, so apparently, I am totally visible now!" Fall explained, calming down. "But... I doubt it's permanent."

"Well that is interesting." Natasha said with a sort of indifference, looking over to Loki. "I think I will let you two talk for a while, while I go wake up the others. I'm sure they will be thrilled."

Politely, Natasha walked out, leaving the two. Clearly, there was something needed to be discussed between an angel and the person under them. "Well, I am sorry for... uh... hugging you like that." Fall started with a mumble, looking at the floor.

There was no response.

Fall looked up, only to see the green of Loki's eyes.

"It is alright." He assured, both close now. After a pause, he asked, "Was it really you who I hit with the tessaract?"

Fall nodded, looking at him as an equal. He looked at her, really seeing her. They took one another in for a moment, Trickster and Angel.

"I thought I had seen you before." Loki tilted his head, his lips forming into a grin. "You really are my angel?"

Fall nodded again, holding her ground as he came closer. She looked to the floor, flustered now by their proximity.

"Look at me." Loki told her in a coaxing voice, gently taking her chin and raising her head to meet his eyes.

"Thank you." Loki said, smiling a kind, warm smile that told her everything was alright, before hugging her.

That poor angel's heart skipped several beats, her face was bright red, and she, Fall, was being hugged. She had never been hugged back by someone. Her arms quickly moved to squeeze her Loki, face pressing to his shoulder. He was so warm, so surreal.

After what seemed like a thousand perfect moments for Fall, Loki stopped hugging her and stepped back. He grinned, heading for the door and waving goodbye, before disappearing.

Left red-faced and warm, Fall could only stare after him.

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