Past Of Two Hearts.

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After a while we got into the turtles' home, Or as they call it The Lair which is actually a pretty cool place.

Raph put me down on the couch and Leo put down the chair so Hannah could open it back.

I looked around for a while

"Ella, Can you wait here please? I need to talk with Leo and Donnie about something." Hannah said, I nodded and she went with them to a room with two metal doors.

"I'm going to bring some pizza!" Mikey said, leaving me and Raph alone.

I looked at him and he looked at me before looking away, a bit blushing from embarrassment.

He got up and was about to leave but I got his wrist, making him to turn and look at me.

"P-Please don't leave..." I murmured out, He thought for a second but then sat back down.

"S-Sorry..." I said quietly and looked down.

"It's okay but why are you stuttering?" He asked.

"I don't know..." I said, Why am I really?

Suddenly I heard a weird voice, like a purr. I turned to look to my left, It was some kind of baby turtle, He was red and his shell was spikey but he was so adorable!!

"Chompy!" Raph called out in an unusual happy voice and picked him up.

"Is he yours?" I asked with a smile, He looked at the turtle and then at me before smiling.

"He is. This is Chompy Picasso, You can call him Chompy, Chompy, This is Ella." Chompy made a little voice a stuck his tounge out. He walked towards me and climbed on my legs before finally sitting in my lap with his head on my stomach.

"Do you think he likes me?" I asked quietly as I gently pat his head.

"Likes you? You're the first person that Chompy decided to sit in their laps besides me, He loves you." I smiled at that and started to pat him, not realizing that my other hand was patting one of my legs and Raph frowned at that.

"So... How did this happen?" He asked softly, I looked up at him and sighed.

"I don't really remember what happened, I've heard that from the doctors in the hospital: When I was 11, My parents, My brother Lusio, and I were on our way back from a match that Lusio won, Another car suddenly crashed into us, The driver was drunk, My parents... hit the window and got the power of the hit, They died in the place... the crash mashed the car and the front chair, Where my mom sat, Trapped my legs and I hit the head in the window to my side. Lusio hit his head too, But he was fine, When I woke up, The doctors told me that I was in a coma for 6 months, They told me that my parents died... and that my legs are gone... Since then I'm in the wheelchair..." I finished my story, Raph looked horrified, I didn't even realize that I'm crying.

"Ella...?" I looked up to see the others, They came back with a giant mutant rat, Hannah sat next to me and hugged me, I cried my heart out into her shoulder.

"But... If Lusio was fine, Where is he?" Raph asked.

"He was 13, They thought I wouldn't make it and that he's too young to be alone so they gave him in for adoption while I was in coma... They weren't ready to tell me where, I looked for him everywhere I can but I never found him..." I cried harder, Chompy licked my hand, I let go of Hannah and patted his head.

"After that, I met Hannah online and we became friends, And with her parents, brothers and aunt, We became a family." Hannah smiled at me.

"Dudette... Can we also be your family?" Mikey asked, I looked at him with shock but nodded, Everyone cheered and Mikey hugged me. 

Raph smiled at me and I smiled back, I know that they'll help me to find Lusio. 

(Heya guys! How was that? I hope you like it, Please leave a comment and tell me what do you think, Love ya!)

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