The disabled dog

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Ella POV:

It has been 2 days since I met the turtles, I didn't come to visit them since the first time because of my school and everything, Right now I was eating some ice cream when Natalie jumped on me and hugged me

"Hannah told us you met the turtles, Finally we don't have to hide this from you!" She said happily, I chuckled nervously

"Well, I'm pretty sure that Hannah was thinking the same thing" I told her, Suddenly Hannah came in, Natalie ran to her

"Henny, Can we please go and visit the turtles today?" She asked, Hannah thought for a sec

"Why not? Let's go now" Hannah said, Natalie jumped.

"I'm going to get Charlie" She said and ran off, Hannah sat next to me

"So... What do you think about the turtles?" Hannah asked

"Well, They're really nice, Your boyfriend is adorable by the way, I can't believe you were able to hide him from me for so long" I told her, She blushed

"Well, It's not like I can come home and yell into your ear: Ella, I got a boyfriend! And he's a turtle!!" I laughed at that, Charlie and Natalie showed up

"Let's go!" Natalie called out


After a while, We came to the lair, Hannah was rolling my wheelchair

"Hey guys!!" Hannah called

"Mikey!!" Natalie called out

"Nate!!!" Mikey jumped and hugged her before putting her on the shoulders and running to the tv, Charlie helped Hannah to get me downstairs and walked towards the lab, Leo came and pecked Hannah's lips

"Hey Lion" She said

"Hey Melody" He said (Yep, The guys know she's 'The Melody')

"Ella, Will you be okay alone?" Hannah asked

"Sure! Maybe I'll watch Mikey and Natalie playing video games" I told her, Hannah smiled and walked with Leo to his room, I chuckled

"Love birds" I told to myself and rolled my wheelchair to the kitchen

Raph POV:

I was in the kitchen with Chompy when I started to think about a specific black haired girl, I sighed dreamly, Since I met her, I became a little softy but I don't really care, I haven't seen her for two days and it's driving me crazy! Maybe I'll go and see her? I mean! She lives in Hannah's house so I know she'll be there, Suddenly I heard it... This sweet voice

"Sure! Maybe I'll watch Mikey and Natalie playing video games" I gasped and peeked through the kitchen's curtains just in time to see Leo is dragging Hannah after him to his room, I sighed

"Love birds" I said to myself and then my glance fell on the angel with the chair, She started to roll the chair towards the kitchen, I gasped and ran back to the table

"Chompy, How do I look?" I asked my buddy, He did a little voice and I took it as 'okay', Ella came in

Ella POV:

"Raph! Hi! I didn't think you'll be here" I told him and rolled my chair next to him, He smiled

"Hey Ella, Haven't seen you for a while, How have you been?" He asked

"I'm good" I said, Suddenly I heard familier voice of happiness

"Chompy!! Hey there buddy, I missed you too!" I said and tapped his head, He let his tongue rolls out, He jumped into my lap as usual and sat there, I looked at Raph

"Where are the Sadlers?" He asked me

"Natalie is with Mikey, Charlie and Donnie are in the lab and the Love birds - I mean! Leo and Hannah are in his room" I said, He thought for a sec

"Wanna go outside? I can show you the city from the rooftop" He suggested

"Sure! Let's go!" I was about to roll my chair but I felt him stopping it by holding the back support, I looked at him

"You won't be needing that!" He took me out of the chair and held me brydal style

"Guys, I went with Ella!" He called out and we left the lair


"So you're telling me that you didn't even know she's 'The Melody'?" I asked him, We were talking about how Leo and Hannah became a couple

"Yeah, It was so weird, Only Master Splinter knew it" He told me

"Wow, She's good at keeping secrets" I told him and we both laughed, Suddenly I heard something

"Raph, What's that noise?" I asked him, He shrugged, We were in the middle of abandoned train station, I heard something from under one of the trains

"Raph, I think there's something under the one of the trains" I told him, He sat me down and looked under the train before he gasped

"Ella, It's a dog" He told me, I gasped and crawled towards there: It was a beautiful brown retriever, The dog was stuck under the train and couldn't get out, It was howling sadly

"Raph, We gotta do something" I told him with tears

"I can try pulling out of there with using my rope, But I can't reach him to wrap him" He told me

"I'll do it, I'm small enough to crawl down there" I told him, He nodded and took out the rope and gave me one of the edges, I crawled down there, It was hard because my legs didn't give me help, I had to use my hands, But they were stronger than regular ones, When I was infront of the dog, I slowly held out a hand to pet him

"Please don't bite" I asked gently, I put my hand and he closed his eyes, He's friendly, I pat him so he can relax and wrapped my rope around neck, Raph helped me to get out and we started to pull the dog out, After 5 minutes the dog was out, He barked happily, I hugged him and then hugged Raph and kissed his cheek, Suddenly I noticed something, The front left leg of the dog was missing, I looked at it in disbelief, Raph sighed

"Ella... I'm sorry..." Raph said, I stared at the dog abd then started to cry, I hugged to dog's neck

"I'll take him..." I told Raph, He looked shock

"Are you sure?" He asked gently, I nodded

"He doesn't have to go through what I went" I told him, Raph was shocked for a few more minutes but then smiled

"I'll help you" He told me, I smiled back, He picked me up and I picked the dog

"It's not too much for you, Right?" I asked him gently, He chuckled

"I don't even feel you" He said, I smiled and we headed back to the lair

"So, What's his name?" Raph asked, I smiled

"Diggs." I said

(Heya guys! I hope you like this chapter, Please leave a comment and tell me what do you think! Love ya!)

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(Heya guys! I hope you like this chapter, Please leave a comment and tell me what do you think! Love ya!)

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