Walk and Talk

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(I suggest to listen to Need you now by Lady Antebellum while reading this)

Ella POV:

It has been two weeks since Raph and I saved Diggs, He was really hyper, It made me feel happy to see that even though he's disabled he's still acting like a normal dog, You can learn lessons from the most unexpected places in the world, Right?

Today Donnie decided to check his new invention on me, Ever since Hannah told him about my condition, Donnie has been working on metal legs that will help me to walk normal, kinda like improving the equitment I got in the hospital, Who knows? Maybe he'll be able to make a new leg for Diggs!

"Donnie, Are you sure it's safe?" I asked with a fright in my voice as he tied the last shoe on my leg.

"I'm positive Ella, Why are you so afraid?" He asked me with a smile.

"Well, Raph told me that some of you experiments didn't really make it through the testing." I told him, His smile faded.

"Well... It won't happen again." He told me, Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, It was Raph.

"Don't worry E, I'll make sure you'll be okay" He told me, He's calling me E as nickname, I really wish he'll find something else.

"Thanks Raph." I told him.

Raph POV:

I smiled at her and then when she didn't look, I signed to Donnie with my hands: If something will hanppen to her you'll finish like your failed inventions, He gulped and started to speak.

"Ok Ella, You'll stand in one point, Over there, Raph will support you, and then you'll walk towards Leo and Hannah on the other side of the room." He explained, Ella nodded, I rolled her chair to the point he said, Hannah and Leo were already in their positions, I helped Ella up, She stood with open legs and looked at Hannah, She took in a deep breath and put a leg infront of her, I let go and right after I let go she slipped and she was about to hit the ground but I got her on time.

"Maybe I made a mistake in my calculations..." Donnie murmured as I put her back in her chair, She sighed and took off the shoes.

"No Donnie, Your only mistake was the tester." She said and rolled away, I gazed at the spot where I last saw her before I followed her, She went to the dojo, I peeked in, She left her chair and sat right under the tree, I sat next to her.

"Hey, It was only your first time, We will try again until you get it." I told her, She sighed.

"No Raph, The problem is only in me, I don't know how to walk, I totally forgot that and my legs will never listen to me... What was I thinking? I'll be in this wheelchair forever." She told me, I frowned at that and then huffed and stood up, I held out my hand to her.

"We'll see about that, Now get up!" I told her with anger, She stood up and I led her to the chair, She held it for support, I stood next to her.

"Let's try this: Use the wheelchair to support you, Now put one foot in front of the other." I told her, She slowly did it.

"Good, Now the other foot." She clumsily did it, She almost fell but I put my hands on her waist and kept her straight, She repeated the move again and again until she got it, I took the wheelchair from her and held her again, This time I held her hands.

"Now let's walk." I told her, I knew it was a little harder to her than with the wheelchair but it's for the best, Finally I felt that she doesn't put to much weight on me and I knew she's ready for the next part, I brought the shoes and put them on her, I stood in the other side of the room, She was next to the tree.

"Try to walk to me." I told her, She looked at me scared for a sec and took a deep breath again, She put one foot in front of the other, She spread her arms for balance but she kept walking, After a half of the way she started to laugh happily, It was quiet at first but slowly it grew.

"It's working... Raph!! I'm walking!!!" She told me, I smiled at her and she finally reached me, I hugged her and we both laughed and suddenly I felt something on my lips, I looked to see her kissing me!!!!!!

Ella POV:

I quickly realized what I was doing, I gasped and backed away, What did I just do????? Raph looked more than shocked, I let out a few tears.

"Raph, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -" He put his thumb on my lower lip.

"What did I tell you about saying sorry all the time?" He whispered and lean in to kiss me, I kissed him back, Even though I was crying, I was happy, He backed away.

"I know that you want to stand on your own and for others, But I want to stand by you every second I got, I know that I'm a mutant turtle but I do love like human... Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked, My heart stopped, I can feel it...

"I know that I'm disabled and you're strong, You're cheeky and I'm shy but I feel like it's the right thing... You're the one who really helped me to walk and I'm going to need you to continue... I would love to be your girlfriend..." I told him, He smiled and kissed me again.

"And by the way..." I told him between the kisses "I don't think we need the deal anymore"

(Heya guys! How was that? I hope you like it, please leave a comment and tell me what do you think, Love ya!)

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