The Girl On The Wheelchair.

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"Look at her clothes." One of the girls whispered.

"Look at her shoes, So gross." Another one whispered.

"Hey! I got a call from the 90's! They want your clothes back!" One girl shouted.

I took deep breathes and continued to move my wheelchair forward.

I'm used to that. Those girls bullied me since I was 11.... Since the... Forget it!

Suddenly I felt a hand, grabbing my white sweater's hoodie, The hand threw me off of the chair.

I screamed in surprise and grunted when I hit the ground, The girls laughed loudly.

"HEY!! Leave her alone already!!" I sighed in relief.

"Stay out of this Sadler!" One of the girls yelled at the beautiful Brunette girl who came to my rescue as usual.

"What if I don't want to?" She said back, The girls huffed and walked away.

"Next time you won't be so lucky..." One of them hissed at her as usual before they dissapeared.

Hannah ran up to me and picked me up from the ground.

"They didn't hurt you right? I mean! Does it hurt somewhere?" Hannah asked as she sat me down on the wheelchair.

"Hannah I'm fine! Let's just go home." I asked from her as I pretended to dust off my hoodie but I used the time to hiss.

"I can't feel my legs anyway..." I didn't look at her but she hummed, somewhat sadly, and started to push my wheelchair.

Aw, Now I feel bad....

I didn't mean to hurt her, she's my friend!


I sighed sadly as I waited for my tests results to show up.

"Knock Knock!" A cheery voice came from the entrance and made me look up.

There, stood a young woman, at the age of 20 or more... she seemed familier...

"Hello there!" She said with a big smile.

"Hello..." I said back quietly.

"Are you Ella Evans?" The woman asked me, I nodded.

"Mind if I come in?" She asked again, I nodded again.

She came in and finally I looked at her, understanding she won't give up.

"I'm Doctor Jane but you can call me Lauren." She introduced herself.

I looked at her quietly.

"Aren't you playing soccer?" I finally asked, she let out a laugh.

"That's my twin, Camil." She replied, I nodded and looked down.

"Well Ella, I'm here because I want to help you." She told me.

I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"My job is to give you anything you want! Just name it and I'll help." She told me.

"Anything?" I asked in hope, she nodded.

I bit my lip and finally said:

"I want friends to talk to, People who'll be there for me throughout the treatments and have fun with me." Lauren's big smile faded.

"Oh... Ella Honey... You know that a friend is an adventure and a project that you need to make on your own-"

"I tried!" I cut her off, she looked surprised and I looked down.

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