Families and Friends

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Ella POV:

After that rest I had I went to the kitchen, I oppened my diary and looked for the right picture, I found what I was looking for: My picture with Lusio when I was born, I stared at it, I remembered that my brother used to love sport, Especially hockey, Maybe it's just a coincidence, I started to write in my diary about what happened.

"Hey Raven" I raised my glance to see Casey walks into the kitchen, I looked down

"Hey..." I said quietly and returned to write, He rubbed his head

"Raph told me what happened to your family, I'm really sorry" He said, I smiled a little

"It's fine, I understand, You were just trying to protect your friends, I would've done the same thing if I were you" I told him, He chuckled

"Well, I saw you got a wheelchair and I was wondering if I can borrow it for a while, I want to add it some stuff" He asked what made me look back at him

"What kind of stuff?" I asked suspiciously, He grinned

"You'll see" He said and left, I sighed

"As long as he won't blow up my chair" I said and finished to write

"Ella? Can I talk to you for a sec?" I looked up to see Leo

"Of course Leo, What is it?" I asked, He sat in front of me, He looked nervous

"Well... You know that I'm dating Hannah for a long time... and that I love her a lot... but lately" I looked at him suspiciously

"Leonardo Hamato, I really hope for your health that you're not going to break up with Hannah" I warned him, He looked shock

"What? No! I'm not going to break up with her" He said

"That's good, So what's wrong?" I asked

"Well... Lately I started to feel more in love with her than I was before, I'm feeling on the top of the world when she's with me, I want to have every moment that I got with her, I can't imagine her with someone else... What do you think I should do?" He asked me, I smiled and chuckled

"Isn't that obvious? If you love her that much that you want to have every moment you got with her there's only one thing you should do" I told him

"What?" He asked

"Marry her you idiot" I finally said as I saw he's not going to figure it out soon, Leo looked shock and blush

"M- Marry her? Are you sure?" He asked

"100% sure" He didn't look convinced

"Leo... There's nothing wrong with you wanting to marry Hannah: You two are old enough and you've been dating her for a long time already, You love her and she loves you, And I totally understands you: Hannah is the one of the most beautiful, Talentend and kind girl I've ever known, You don't need to be ashamed from that" I told him, He looked down

"But what about the guys? And Splinter? And Hannah's parents?" He asked me

"The guys love Hannah and so is Splinter and Hannah's parents, You just need to ask Greta's and Malcolm's agreement and I believe you should talk to Splinter about that to let him know, But trust me Leo, You're not going to regret that step" He was thinking about that for a few seconds but then lit up and smiled widely

"You're right Ella! I love Hannah and I want to marry her! You hear that world? I'M GOING TO MARRY HANNAH SADLER!" He yelled, I was about to laugh but I decided not to and let him go on with that, He hugged

"Thanks Ella, I owe you a big one, I'm going to talk to Master Splinter" and with that he ran out, I giggled

"Good luck" I said to no one and left the kitchen as well

Casey POV:

"Casey, Are you ok?" April asked, I looked up at him, I was sitting on the couch since I left the kitchen and I was thinking a long time until April showed up

"I'm fine Red" I told her, She sat next to me

"What's wrong?" She asked

"Well... It's about that Ella girl, Everything that she said about Lusio, I mean think about that Red, I have no memories since I was 13, That was the age that Ella's brother was in the accident, I know Spanish, That's is actually Ella's native language and I love hocky just like he did, And if that's not enough, I look nothing like my parents but a lot like Ella" I told her, April looked concerned while I spoke but then smiled

"So what? You think you're Lusio Evans? Come on Case, Those are just coincidences, Now come on, Let's go to eat something" She said and was about to leave, I was thinking for a sec if I should tell her:

"It's not everything" I said what made her stop and look at me

"The birth mark that she asked me about? The one on the knee?" She signed me to continue

"I got it exactly where she said, It looks like a chocolate stain" She was surprised

"Why didn't you tell her?" She asked me, I turned to look at Ella who was walking clumsily with Diggs, I looked at her with a sad look

"Look at her Red, She had been through a lot, I don't want to give her a false hope, I'll do a research, For now, Let's keep it as a secret, Ok Red?" I asked her as we watched Raph holding her close to him and kiss her while laughing, They look very happy together...

"Sure thing Jones" April said behind me

(Heya guys! How was that? I hope you like it, What do you think about Leo's decision? And Casey's suspicions? Please leave a comment and tell me what do you think ok? Love ya!)

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