Past of two hearts (part 2)

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Ella POV:

I looked up at the giant rat who was smiling at me, I smiled shyly back and put my head down as a sign of honor.

"Hello, My name is Ella Evans." I said in Japanese, The guys looked at me with shock whit the rat's smile went wider.

"Hello Miss Evans, It's a great pleasure to meet you, I'm Master Splinter, Father and sensei to the boys." He said, Talking in Japanese too.

"I'm really honored to meet you and your sons, Sensei." I said.

"You may come here anytime you want, But I must be sure that you'll keep us as a secret." He said.

"Well, That wouldn't be a problem, The only people I talk to, Know you already." I'm talking about the Sadlers and the Crofts.

"I see, Welcome to our family Miss Evans, May I ask you how do you know Japanese so well?" He asked in English.

"My mom was Japanese, She taught me." Master Splinter smiled.

"Well, Miss Evans, It was a pleasure to meet you, Now I'm going to meditate, If you need me, I'm in my room." And with that he left, Everyone smiled.

"You never told me you know Japanese!" Hannah said, I smirked.

"Well, You never told me that you and your family are friends with turtles, I guess we're tied." I said, She smiled and helped me to sit in my wheelchair.

"I want to check up your legs, If you don't mind." Donnie said.

"It's fine, Let's go." And with that, Hannah rolled my chair to his lab while following him.

Raph POV:

I was in my room now.

"Chompy... I can't fall for Ella, Right?" I asked him, He did a little voice.

"Yeah, I know she's cute, And the moment with the Japanese was really cool and everything, But... Mona..." I trailed off, It has been a year since Mona broke up with me... Suddenly I heard a knock on the door, I growled.

"Mikey, Go away!" I said.

"Raph... It's not Mikey, It's Ella." A little sweet voice said, I frowned and got up to open the door, I looked down at her.

"Can... Can I come in?" She asked, I moved aside and she rolled her chair in, I closed the door after her and looked to see Chompy is doing happy voices while jumping up and down, She smiled.

"Hey Chompy." She said and picked him up, Chompy sat down in her lap and let her pat him, I sat on the bed in front of her.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I saw you were gone and I wanted to talk to you, I mean! Mikey is not the type of guy to understand such a thing, Donnie is busy and Leo is with Hannah." She explained, I nodded.

"Look... The talk that we had back there... About my legs, I wanted to thank you for that... I haven't talk to anyone about that besides Hannah... And it was 6 years ago, It was a big weight on my heart and I didn't know who's the right one to talk to about, I mean the Sadlers are awsome but the twins are too young and the big brothers are busy with their parents about archeology... So thank you Raph." I looked surprise at that but I shook it off and smiled.

"You're welcome." I told her.

Ella POV:

Suddenly I noticed a picture of him and some kind of lizard alien.

"Hey, Who's this girl in the photo?" I asked, He turned to look at it and picked it up.

"That's Mona Lisa..." He said quietly.

"She's really beautiful, Is she your girlfriend?" I asked nicely.

"Was..." He said, You're so stupid Ella!!!

"She... She was my girlfriend for a year but.. after Hannah came, We met a lizard alien, Name's Quantin... We found out that she engaged with him, She ran away from me with him." I saw some tears in eyes, I gasped.

"Raph, I'm really really sorry! I didn't mean to make you sad!" I tried to apolagize.

"I'm such an idiot, Great job Evans!" I scolded myself "You had one job and-"

"-Thank you." I suddenly heard him, I stopped and looked at him confused.

"I haven't talk about that to anyone since it happened, I had to get it off of my chest." He smiled, I slowly smiled back.

"You know... I found it weird how similar we are: Both of us are soft but we're trying to look tough, Don't tell it to anyone! Both of us like Chompy and we're hiding great things in our hearts." He said, I chuckled.

"I guess that if we were a couple, It could drove anyone crazy because we're so alike." I said and suddenly an idea popped out in my mind.

"Let's make a deal: If the both of us won't find partners in the next half of the year, We'll become a couple, Okay?" He chuckled and took my hand for a shake.

"It's a deal Evans." He said.

"That's good Hamato." Chompy made another happy voice, What made me and Raph laugh.

(Heya guys! How was that? I hope you like it, Please let me know what you're thinking about Ella and her idea, Leave a comment, Love ya!)

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