Good Cop.

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   7 years ago....

"I can't believe I won for the team!" The 13 years old boy yelled out happily as his father put him on his shoulders

"We're so proud of you son" Damian said as his wife, Ami was holding little Isabella in her hands, Isabella got closer to Lusio and kissed his cheek, Making her brother blush and laugh

"This calls for a celebration! Come on guys!" Damian said and openned the doors for the car.

He put on 'Joyride' and drove off, Mrs. Evans started to dance and her husband moved his body a little whild driving, Lusio did some air gitaur while Isabella was moving along with her mother.

"Dad, Are we there yet?" Lusio asked

"Have some patience son, We're almost there" Damian said as he kept driving, Through the mirror, Isabella could see her dad's eyes turns into a frown

"There's a driver in front of us, a little bit far in the other way of the road, I don't like how he drives..." Damian murmured

"Is everything alright Damian?" Ami asked

"Yeah, Don't worry hun" Damian said and kept driving, Suddenly Isabella looked to the side and black car and her eyes widened

"DAD!! LOOK OUT!!!!" She yelled at the top of her lungs as the driver suddenly turned to the side of their road.

Ami screamed

The hornes honked


Isabella screamed bloody murduer as her mother's seat squished her legs, trapping them and crashing them, She hit the window with her head and fainted

11 yeard old Isabella POV:

I saw bright lights and sirens and everything was blurry but I could make out a figure of a bloody woman with black her, Her green eyes were open wide and her face held shock and fear, Next to her was another figure of a male at the same state

"Mom... Dad...?" I tried to say but nothing came out, I looked to the side and gasped as I saw my brother

"Lusio...?!" Suddenly someone came in the car but I lost concinous

New York's Police Station, No one's POV:

"Hard day Teddy?" Cop Hans asked

"You have no idea" The other cop said as he fell down to the chair and took his coffee

"A robber tried to take over a bank, A guy almost succeeded in a suicide and there was a horrible case of a car accident" Cop Hans looked intrested when he heard 'Car Accident'

"What happened?" He asked, Teddy sighed

"A drunk driver crashed his car right into another car that got total lost, There was a family of four in the car: The Evans, The husband and the wife died in the place" Hans sighed

"What happened to the other two?" He asked

"Their kids, Both of them survived by miracle but bearly, A thirteen years old boy names Lusio, got hit in the window and is in coma and the other one is his eleven years old sister, Isabella..." The cop wasn't able to continue, He rubbed his eyes

"What's wrong? You said she's alive" Hans was confused

"For now, She's in a coma... The mother's seat crashed her legs..." Teddy kept rubbing his eyes as tears came back

"Hey Ted, You sure you're okay?" Hans asked softly, Teddy looked at him with teary eyes

"I saw her Hans, I fought to free her legs from the chair, I saw how she almost died in my arms, I saw how her legs looked..." He faded away, Hans was surprised, Teddy had done a lot of things like that in the past but it never bothered him so much, Maybe it's because it's the first time he saves a kid

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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